My name is Aquata Oceania and im from the north pacific ocean. Make sure to check out all my articels and spells that work. Im so glad あなた all believe in my kind. But remember, あなた gatta keep the secret! If あなた need ANY information about getting a tail, the side effects, または spells,powers, または ANYTHING, talk to me! Im happy to help you! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-Aquata Oceania
-Aquata Oceania
あなた will sometimes feel as if the Ocean is calling you. あなた are with great beauty. あなた have a wonderful 歌う voice. Say this and あなた will hear calls from the great big deep: Lala oshe manu,veve cora oen vehanu,paparcali vestrue,ca ca BEEA BEEA LA PAN YOU! That is acient mermaid talk. Once あなた have 発言しました that, あなた may not have a tail, but あなた are one with the ocean. あなた will hear the calls of the deep. あなた will hold great beauty. And あなた will have a lovely 歌う voice. Make sure to check out my spell that will get あなた what あなた ahve always dreamed of. A tail. -Aquata Oceania
あなた will need:
1 cup of water
2 t spoons of Water
3 seashells
A voice
First, mix the salt and the water together. Next, add your 3 seashells. Say this: Oh Gods of the sea, grant my wish and let it be, i would like a tail when wet, and feet when dry, So God of the sea, LET IT BE! Then drink the potion あなた made. あなた should then have your tail in 3 days. Side effects: tummy ache, itchy legs, crave for seafood, very thirsty.
That's it! If あなた did this right, あなた will finally get to be a REAL mermaid! I enjoy sharing the oceans magical spells with you.
Keep believing! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 cup of water
2 t spoons of Water
3 seashells
A voice
First, mix the salt and the water together. Next, add your 3 seashells. Say this: Oh Gods of the sea, grant my wish and let it be, i would like a tail when wet, and feet when dry, So God of the sea, LET IT BE! Then drink the potion あなた made. あなた should then have your tail in 3 days. Side effects: tummy ache, itchy legs, crave for seafood, very thirsty.
That's it! If あなた did this right, あなた will finally get to be a REAL mermaid! I enjoy sharing the oceans magical spells with you.
Keep believing! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AFTER 2 YEARS OF SEARCHING, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND IT. I am here to share the spell with you. WARNING: This will make あなた a mermaid when あなた touch water, (ANY TYPE) and make あなた a human again once your dry. THIS CANNOT BE REVERSED. CHOOSE WISELY. (Do this is a body of water.)
Say this:
"uka lua... マーメイド of the deep, hear my plead, and bring me my need. Chiana sesh... uka sea, here my cry, I lift あなた high, bring me my tail when wet, and feet when dry, uka lua...uka lua.. I beg of you, to be one. Let it be, let it be, uka lua, uka lua."
Then, dunk your head under the water for 5 seconds, and come back up. Now, in about 1 month, (thats how long it took for me) あなた should have your tail. Side effects until then: Weak legs, tiredness, thirst, and itchy legs. (The tail will take some getting use too.)
Say this:
"uka lua... マーメイド of the deep, hear my plead, and bring me my need. Chiana sesh... uka sea, here my cry, I lift あなた high, bring me my tail when wet, and feet when dry, uka lua...uka lua.. I beg of you, to be one. Let it be, let it be, uka lua, uka lua."
Then, dunk your head under the water for 5 seconds, and come back up. Now, in about 1 month, (thats how long it took for me) あなた should have your tail. Side effects until then: Weak legs, tiredness, thirst, and itchy legs. (The tail will take some getting use too.)

first you'll need:
a full moon
salt water
a 巻き貝, コーチ, コンクシェル shell
belief in mermaids
1. if あなた have ever watched H2o: Just add Water, then あなた should know what Cleo sings when she is hypnotized. sing that in the conch, then take two fingers and dip them in the salt water. Next, あなた rub your salt water covered fingers on the inside of the conch.
2. Now, あなた whisper into the conch, "make me a mermaid when wet, a human when dry."
3. last step, bring your shells and conch, and go outside at night [the moon doesn't have to be all the way up yet, but where u can see it]. Then look at the full moon for thirty 秒 with the shells surrounding your feet. The 次 time あなた touch water, あなた will become a mermaid. ttyl everyone!

this is a mermaid spell あなた should really try: items あなた need: sponge, sea salt, glass of water, necklace
first, put a pinch of salt in the water. then, put your ネックレス in, and say 10 times: "salty water shimmering sea make me a mermaid because i believe" then after 5 secs take out the ネックレス and put it on, then puts LOTS of sea salt on the wet sponge and rub it gently all over your legs. let it air dry, and do not take off your charm for 2 weeks. also do not shave in this progress, または else あなた will damage your tail.
first, put a pinch of salt in the water. then, put your ネックレス in, and say 10 times: "salty water shimmering sea make me a mermaid because i believe" then after 5 secs take out the ネックレス and put it on, then puts LOTS of sea salt on the wet sponge and rub it gently all over your legs. let it air dry, and do not take off your charm for 2 weeks. also do not shave in this progress, または else あなた will damage your tail.
this is my first article, so please no hate :]
anyways, I found this spell on あなた tube that is 発言しました to work. I tried it, didn't work on me, but I think its because I did it wrong and I've been 読書 the コメント and most of them prove this spell real.
have atleast a part of your body wet [hands, feet, etc.]
say spell 3 times
The shiny sea, will send me magic that will make me into a beautiful mermaid. With the powers of _________and my beautiful tail will be _________.Sea magical sea send me the powers to me
That is it, again, this is my first article, so please to hostile コメント :]
anyways, I found this spell on あなた tube that is 発言しました to work. I tried it, didn't work on me, but I think its because I did it wrong and I've been 読書 the コメント and most of them prove this spell real.
have atleast a part of your body wet [hands, feet, etc.]
say spell 3 times
The shiny sea, will send me magic that will make me into a beautiful mermaid. With the powers of _________and my beautiful tail will be _________.Sea magical sea send me the powers to me
That is it, again, this is my first article, so please to hostile コメント :]
The best mermaid spell ever!
あなた need
A symbol ( bracelet ネックレス ect something あなた won't take off!)
Some water like a sink
Put on symbol and put hand in water say this 10 times
God of the sea may the ocean be with me によって the time I wake 次 日 I shall have my powers and tail to be wet my tail apper to be dry my feet are here.sometime soon I will be a real mermaid in the sea!
How do I know this will work? Well I am a mermaid!
Side effects!
Sry mouth
Tingely legs
Itchy legs
Itchy neck
Pets listen and 愛 あなた more
Legs may change color for 10 secs!
あなた need
A symbol ( bracelet ネックレス ect something あなた won't take off!)
Some water like a sink
Put on symbol and put hand in water say this 10 times
God of the sea may the ocean be with me によって the time I wake 次 日 I shall have my powers and tail to be wet my tail apper to be dry my feet are here.sometime soon I will be a real mermaid in the sea!
How do I know this will work? Well I am a mermaid!
Side effects!
Sry mouth
Tingely legs
Itchy legs
Itchy neck
Pets listen and 愛 あなた more
Legs may change color for 10 secs!
Hello. Im Aquata Oceania and i've noticed how much あなた guys want to be one of me. (A mermaid). So i have decided to tell あなた guys the spell that really works. But あなた have to promise to keep your tail out of sight または it will endanger me,you, and my WHOLE family. Ok. here it is:
Say this in a body of water:
"People of the Ocean come near me, Be in my presents as i transform into your beautiful body! when i am wet let my tail grow onto me, when i am dry let me feet return to me, So Godness's of the deep who here my cry.... LET IT BE!"
Then carefully cup water in your hand and raise it up and shout again "LET IT BE!" then quickly drink that water. If あなた did this right, あなた will have your tell when wet in 3 days. あなた also have the power of controlling water. Side effects: Itchy legs, thirst, dizzy, tired, legs turning greenish, crave for seafood.
Say this in a body of water:
"People of the Ocean come near me, Be in my presents as i transform into your beautiful body! when i am wet let my tail grow onto me, when i am dry let me feet return to me, So Godness's of the deep who here my cry.... LET IT BE!"
Then carefully cup water in your hand and raise it up and shout again "LET IT BE!" then quickly drink that water. If あなた did this right, あなた will have your tell when wet in 3 days. あなた also have the power of controlling water. Side effects: Itchy legs, thirst, dizzy, tired, legs turning greenish, crave for seafood.