Maximum Ride マンガ Club
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added by fang4ever
added by fang4ever
added by MaximumRider123
added by lizzard444

I often observe people and while 読書 the マンガ あなた can sometimes see how Nudge looks at Fang, to me it is clear she likes him. Being me, I'm not going to go back and look through all 9 of the graphic novels to tell あなた where the scenes are. She probably already knows that Max and Fang like each other as well since in the 8th and 9th マンガ they have kind of been... going at it I guess, lol. Not at, at it, but キス and everything.

I honestly ship them even though it's a one-sided love. I feel that Nudge doesn't want to ruin anything between the 3 of them as well.

Also why are people calling it a manga? It's a graphic novel, which is a novel turned into a comic, and a マンガ is read from right to left, not left to right, plus the cover would be on the other side. I don't know if あなた guys have a "manga" of Maximum Ride, but I needed to get that out
added by gazzy_forever16
added by fang4ever
added by swahili500
added by lizzard444
added by lizzard444
added by lizzard444
added by fang4ever
added by fang4ever
added by fang4ever
added by gazzy_forever16
added by fang4ever
added by Maxride456
added by MaximumRider123