Marlene the カワウソ, オッター Club
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added by Jhoman12
added by HotSpot232
added by knocktimerico
posted by marlenert0410
Marlene woke up to skipper’s annoying commands. When she woke up se was not in her bed, she was laying on a rock then she remembered the party last night,

Privet: Ello Marlene! He called from his habitat.*skipper slapped him*
Skipper: *skipper waved from his habitat to*.
Privet: Oh so I can’t say ello , but あなた can!
Skipper: That’s correct, now dive Privet!*skipper waved one more*

Marlene giggled at skipper as she watched him go around in the water as she thought to herself, what makes him looks so good and nice in the morning?,

Privet: Skipper, Marlene is staring at you.
Skipper: Ya so?
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added by Davidm16
Source: Marlene the カワウソ, オッター
added by Tressa-pom
Source: ArchEnemy
added by Metallica1147
added by shogun096
added by SJF_Penguin
Source: “Operation: Plush & Cover” episode
added by Davidm16
Source: Marlene the カワウソ, オッター
added by Metallica1147
added by Metallica1147
added by skipperrt0410
added by Davidm16
Source: Marlene the カワウソ, オッター
added by HotSpot232
added by HotSpot232
added by Metallica1147