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Leyton Family<3 {Fatemeh & Rachel's very, very ランダム opinions for everyone} Rachel ; which do あなた agree with the most?

15 fans picked:
Weapon she'd use in battle: Bow and ARROW/アロー
Hair color we picture for her: Blonde
Element that fits her: 火災, 火
Color that fits her: Blue
Movie genre that would fit her: ファンタジー
Option for Rachel!
Eye color we picture for her: Blue
no votes yet
 XxXrachellXxX posted 1年以上前
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XxXrachellXxX picked Option for Rachel!:
*continues to stare at the icon of my baby*
posted 1年以上前.
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tvdlover picked Movie genre that would fit her: ファンタジー:
All of course. <3
posted 1年以上前.
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marakii picked Weapon she'd use in battle: Bow and ARROW/アロー:
+ hair the most :D
posted 1年以上前.
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mooshka picked Weapon she'd use in battle: Bow and ARROW/アロー:
Yup, yup!
posted 1年以上前.
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Nicolas97 picked Element that fits her: 火災, 火:
All so much!! But blue, fire, bow/arrow & fantasy 100% <3333
posted 1年以上前.
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XxXrachellXxX picked Option for Rachel!:
Kinda sad that bow and arrow is the only thing getting votes because tbh I could use other weapons, too. And yeah, I wish fantasy would have more votes because GoT is partly fantasy too, among other genres. So, yeah.....
posted 1年以上前.
last edited 1年以上前
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Piu95 picked Hair color we picture for her: Blonde:
All so so much. But dude, people pick bow & arrow bc you actually do archery so that's why we connect it to you so much ;)
posted 1年以上前.
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WarriorGilbert picked Element that fits her: 火災, 火:
This and Bow and Arrow the most..But really all
posted 1年以上前.