Kid VS Kat Club
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added by tack-alpha
added by gashduh8fasg
added by colorsymphony
Source: Your Kid Vs Kat Cast Meme
added by tack-alpha
added by australia-101
added by nicox10
nicox10 Happy Birthday coop
added by rachel67700
added by australia-101
added by CoffeeGirl
added by surfingchick101
Source: $0.00
added by Kitty_Kat_123
added by nicox10
Source: NICOX10
added by h2o-fen-site
added by h2o-fen-site
added by ded99
posted by Raptor111
Kat is a cyborg and has a very interesting anatomy. Most of his abilities are almost possible with technology available to humans.

Kat consumes vast amounts of 食 that no biological organs could ever handle. Also Kat consumes far もっと見る 食 than his biological body could ever require. An organic stomach would also have an extremely hard time managing acid that is capable of dissolving metal! Kat definitely has a mechanical stomach and, perhaps an organic stomach aswell. The mechanical stomach would only be used once there is もっと見る 食 than his organic body would require. The mechanical stomach...
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added by CF644F
added by ReihNeR