Lots of fun billboards for the new Kate and Mila Kunis spy comedy around L.A.
Her impressions of everyone from Giuliani to HRC have made her a comedy giant. But in her biggest film to date, Kate McKinnon confronts her most challenging role yet: playing someone like herself. によって Jordan Kisner for GQ, June 2018.
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Interview によって Amy Wallace and photographs によって Martin Schoeller for GQ's Comedy Issue, June 2018.
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Kate is Vanity Fair's November 2017 cover story! 記事 によって Lili Anolik, photographs によって Annie Leibovitz.
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Except from the Kate McKinnon/Tina Fey interview featured in Elle's July 2017 issue.
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記事 and photoshoot for American Way, June 2017.
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動画 featuring interviews and a shopping spree with Katie Couric and an 記事 for Yahoo!, 9 Dec 2016.
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Kate on The Today Show, September 26, 2016.
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Nino is Kate's son. He is a 17 pound cat. And he has his own Twitter account.
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Ghostbusters stars Jones and Kate McKinnon sat down with PEOPLE and Entertainment Weekly editorial director Jess Cagle for a rapid-fire Q&A session known as The Cagle Exercise – and they didn't hold back. July 2016.
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