Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen Were あなた surprised when he imprinted?

Pick one:
Yeah! I was so surprised!
Kind off...
No- I guessed it before it happened.
No. cause on stepheni- emeyer. com it 発言しました &# 34; can a...
No. cause on stepheniemeyer.com it 発言しました "can a werewolf inprint on a wampire" and
Added by martemora15
No- it was bound to happen when he thought Bella...
No- it was bound to happen when he thought Bella was dead
Added by Bella_Swan96
yes I mean he thought bella was dead and nessie isa child of bella's
Added by tigerlily0597
totaly i mean thats why bella couldnt help but...
totaly i mean thats why bella couldnt help but 愛 him and why jacob couldnt hel
Added by Olympusrulz
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 alinarocks11 posted 1年以上前
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