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posted by zgfangrl
There I sat, in the Kirosaki house, with Karin and yuzu. I didn't like yuzu much, too bright too happy. I was really only here for Karin. Karin Kirosaki. She was the girl I was tutoring in fractions. I did however like her spirit, she was dark and mean. Karin was like
Me. But we shared もっと見る than just having dark souls, we both had the power. Both Karin and I could see spirits. But I was もっと見る powerful than just seeing them. A lot もっと見る powerful. 
"so, what's the 質問 again?" I asked. Karin huffed and then began to read. 
"if あなた have three fourths pounds of carrots and five eighths pounds of celery, how many pounds of vegetables do あなた have." she shoved the pencil in her mouth. 
"so what do あなた need to do first?" I replied, nonchalantly. 
"find the common denominator?" Karin sighed. 
"yeah, and what's that going to be?" I looked at her. All I could see of the girl was the general gray outline ロスト in a sea of black, nothing more. 
"eight. So it'll be six eighths plus five eighths. That equals out to..." she paused uneventfully. "out to... Oh! One and three eighths." 
"can あなた reduce that anymore?" I bit my finger slightly. 
"no." she almost growled in reply. Apparently asking that had made her angry, for some reason. 
"good. Your all set then Karin." I patted around the 表, テーブル to try and find my thins. 
"hey, TK, wanna stay for dinner?" mr Kirosaki asked and marched into the room. 
"please, call me taurosui mr Kirosaki. And yes, I'd 愛 to." I gave what seemed to me would look like a smile. It turned out of course to be もっと見る of a black lipped grimace. People often wondered how I managed to put makeup on so well when I was the way I was. 
"cool. Thanks again for tutoring Karin, TK." he replied. I could tell the man was just trying to provoke a fight. But honestly, why would he want to fight a blind girl? Sure, I was good at fighting. I had to be. But I was blind, blind as a bat. All I could see was the general outline of things. The only thing that made me a good fighter was the fact I could sense and predict the 次 移動する my opponent was going to make. 
"your welcome." I growled. TK. Why did people call me that? It was only my initials, not like it had some special secret meaning.
"oh, do I sense annoyance in your voice?" he laughed. It was on. On like white on rice, on like mud on a pig, on like war. 
"mr Kirosaki," I stood from his table. "if it's a fight あなた want. Don't be afraid to just ask." without pause I charged at him. The man dodged my wild パンチ and returned with one of his own. But he subdued to my kicking his legs out from under him. He went to grab my ankle but I squashed his hand under my large boot. His other hand shot out, this time he managed to flip me onto the ground. I quickly hopped back up and kicked the man in the face. 
"you got me TK... again." he hauled himself off the floor and shook my gloved hand. 
"anytime sir." I tried to smile again, but it still came out as a grimace. I'm sure he understood, I mean after all I have never seen a smile before in my life. And it's impossible to replicate something あなた haven't seen. 
"I'm home. Karin, yuzu, dad." ichigo walked in. He scratched his head and then turned to me. 
"who are you?" he asked. I remembered then that ichigo had never seen me before. I had just arrived in this area in 日本 and was about to enroll in school. 
"I'm taurosui kimblesui." I extended my hand. He looked at me in an odd way, または should I say the black holes called eyes he had stared me down. 
"ichigo Kirosaki... Who exactly are you?" he replied. Ichigo didn't shake my hand and simply left it floating there. I found this rude and somewhat offensive. 
"I'm tutoring your Karin- I mean I'm tutoring Karin." I fumbled. Words and speaking weren't my forte. 
"okay... What's with... Uh Nevermind actually... Are あなた going to school here?" he shook his head in the emotion described as, disbelief. 
"oh... My eyes? There all black I know, it's weird. I'm blind. Well not really blind as much as I can only see outlines of things. And yeah, I am. Tomorrows my first day. Can I count on seeing あなた there?" I shrugged. My eyes had always been a topic of discussion in my family before they all died... 
"sorry. About that. Uh... Yeah, you'll see me. Maybe I'll introduce あなた to a few friends. I think you'll like Chad. He's kind of ゴシック like you." ichigo quickly dismissed himself from the room and skittered to what I presume to be the 秒 floor. 
"dinner in ten ichigo." Karin screeched after him. I put a hand to my ear. Hearing was an attuned sense I had, after loosing my eyes. 

"Kids and TK get over here! It's dinner." ichigos father sang. He sang things all the time, so bright. I stumbled over to the 表, テーブル and then went to sit down. 
"thanks again mr Kirosaki. Oh... Would someone mind handing me a fork?" I sighed. 
"there's one on your plate." Karin answered. 
"oh... I don't see it..." I fumbled around with my hand for a moment before grasping the metal object back in my hand. My greatest fear was coming true, I was loosing what I had left of my sight rapidly. Who knew if によって tomorrow i was even going to be able to see outlines of things. I was scared but managed to keep a straight face. 
"ichigo! Down here now!" mr Kirosaki screeched. Ichigo finally came down for dinner. He firmly grasped a spoon in his hand and shoveled the ご飯, 米 into his mouth. I envied him for that. For the easy going way he could just pick up a spoon. People who could still see were my greatest envy. They could see things like Colors(色) and strands of hair. Things I wish I could see. But being blind from birth... I didn't even know what red または blue were. 
"hey ichigo, guess what?" Karin grumbled. 
"what now karin?" he replied, mouth full. 
"she has the power too. TK can see souls as well." Karin smiled evilly. This I did not understand. Why would she 表示する something off like that? 
"but she's blind. How is that possible?" ichigo mumbled. 
"I-" Karin began. I cut her off quickly with my own speech though. 
"allow me to explain. The only things I can see clearly are spirits. I can't see them in color but I can see them clearly. But that's it, other than that I can't see much. Only general outlines of large objects. With spirits I can see full detail though, eyes and noses and pupils. Things I could never see before." I tightened a string on my black and purple corset. または at least what I had been told was a black and purple corset. I had no way of knowing if that was true または not. But it was what I always wore, the pants I used fluctuated but always this corset. 
"I see. Interesting. That's one for the science books." ichigo's father said. He shoved a spoonful of ご飯, 米 in his mouth. I ate carefully, a spoonful at a time. Chewing and then swallowing daintily. 
"it's true there's never been a case of blindness and the ability to see spirits before." Ichigo added. He set his bowl によって what seemed to be a sink and then walked to the stairs. 
"I'll be studying. Night dad, yuzu, karin." he turned and left. I finessed as well and stumbled over to the same place ichigo had put his things. Quickly, I dropped the bowl into the sink. But what thought was the sink was really the floor and the bowl shattered. 
"I'm so sorry! Oh dear!" I cried. I skittered about trying to pick up the bowl fragments but only succeeded in slicing my knee open. 
"it's okay!" yuzu ran up to help me. 
"whoa, what happened to your knee?" Karin asked, unmoving. I put my hand down and felt the cut, deeper than I thought. Blood was rushing from the wound and flooding the キッチン floor.
"oh dear! I'm really sorry! My third 日 of tutoring and I already managed to mess something up. First I break your bowl and know I'm bleeding on your floor..." I grumbled. Leave it to me to screw things up. Mr Kirosaki jumped up and handed me a roll of paper towels. 
"stop the blood! I'm going to get bandages!" he shrieked and went running off. I clumsily tried to position some of the paper towels on my knee but was to no avail. Yuzu was picking up bits of bowl and Karin was just sitting at the table. Mr Kirosaki came streaming back in with a giant first aid kit. He quickly put some kind of pad on my wound and covered it with ace bandage. 
"there." mr Kirosaki 発言しました and patted his hands on his pants. 
"can I help with any of this?..." I whimpered. 
"it's alright, we can get it all cleaned up. Thanks for tutoring karin. Coming tomorrow?" he smiled. I liked mr Kirosaki, he was a very nice man. 
"thank あなた for dinner. And yes, I'll be here for Karin tomorrow. Goodbye." I waved and tried to stand up. My leg began to throb and I hobbled to the door. 
"bye TK." mr Kirosaki taunted. 
"bye taurosaui." the girls called after me. I slid their door open and a blast of crisp cool night air hit my face. It felt good to be outside. 
"oh! What time is it?" I asked. Being blind the use of a watch was unknown to me. So I always asked another what time it was. 
"seven thirty." Karin answered. The tone in her voice indicated it was time for me to leave. 
"thanks..." I shut the door behind me. The orphanage owner, Lindell, had offered me a cane, but I had turned it down. I didn't want all that excess stuff that shouted I'm blind, werent my eyes enough? But this was probably my biggest mistake because at night, I can't see anything. So wandering around the streets is really hard. Especially when I've been here for only a week. But dismissing that, I continued away from the house. 
"walk three blocks, left, right, クロス the street, take seven steps, turn around, your there." I whispered the directions from the kirosaki house to the orphanage to myself. I had walked two blocks so one もっと見る and I would be good. It was really quiet out tonight, something that didn't happen much in japan.  This made me suspicious. I started walking quicker down the path until I had made my first left. Another block passed and I took a sharp right. によって now, it was nearly silent. This never happened it japan, never. So I broke into a run and then crossed the street. If there was no sound, there were no cars. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, here! I marched down the path to the orphanage and threw the door open. 
"hey TK." a few children acknowledged my arrival. 
"hi..." I replied. 
"miss taurosui, can I 表示する あなた to your room?" one of the orphanage employees asked. I nodded and then she gripped my hand. The woman pulled me to the 秒 floor and then pushed me into my room. I couldn't see any of the Colors(色) but I had been told the room was black. I slipped off my giant goth boots and loosened my corset. The silken fabric slid down my body and I pulled the スカート off too. But no there was a real problem, I couldn't find my nightgown. I went through a drawer and started pulling things out, feeling each one. The nightgown I wanted was made of silk(or a silk substitute which seems もっと見る likely) and had a bow on the front. I continued to tunnel through the drawer until it was completely empty. The bed, it could have been thrown there. I went to jump onto the large ベッド but miscalculated and jumped onto the floor. Being blind and clumsy, I was very used to pain. So I preyed myself off the floor and crawled to the bed. I searched for a good five 分 and my efforts were fruitless. It could have gotten stuck in the bathroom for some reason または perhaps it was in the wash. But this was even もっと見る of a problem, the nightgown was my only one and the corset I owned was the only シャツ I had. Of course being blind I can't really get it tight enough to fit on me unless I have help. So this left me with no clothing except for a few short skirts and a pair of destroyed black skinny jeans. How could I possibly get downstairs to check the bathroom または the garage? Rita! The maid I'll ask her to help tighten my corset. 
"Rita! I need you!" I cried. I pulled on my スカート and patted around for my top. Slowly I grabbed the lump of fabric and slid it on. 
"yes." a woman with a strong accent replied. She swung my door open and pulled the threads at the back before bustling out again. 
"thanks..." I mumbled. Without another word I strode out the door. I was cut off によって a spirit, one of a very large man. He grunted at me and I put a hand to my head. 
"yes?" I asked it. 
"children are destroying my grave and playing in it! Stop this please!" he cried. 
"I'll go to it tomorrow..." I grumbled and stumbled down some stairs. The spirit followed me down poking my back the whole time. 
"do it now." he protested. "now!" 
"no... It's dark, I'm blind, that doesn't make for a good equation! When it's light out tomorrow I'll see what I can do for you. But for tonight, leave me alone!" I cried. 
"blind? And あなた can see me? Cool. I'll leave あなた alone but after your done with school または whatever tomorrow, I'll be waiting." he flew off. I hated spirits, they were so annoying sometimes. But to simply pass によって them without a notion was hard for me. Karin, who could dismiss there presence so easily, often angered me. With envy at least. I shook the thought from my head and continued. I walked to a door, the only one with a round handle, and opened it. It was the bathroom and I immediately went fumbling through the drawers and patting down the carpet. 
"yes!" I cried. The silky dress with two bows lay there, on the floor, untouched. I ripped it off the floor and shut the bathroom door. Then, I undressed again and clumsily put the ガウン on. It's cool fabric felt good against my rough skin. 
"Mmmm..." I let a soft moan escape my lips. When あなた can't see, あなた learn to take pleasure in the little things.

I made my way to the dinning room and sat down. 
"hey TK. what's up?" my friend Denny asked. 
"nothing Denny, you?" I replied with a huff. 
"nothing either just waiting for dinner. あなた did tutoring tonight right?" he said. 
"yeah I sliced my knee open and broke a bowl too. Oh and I'm loosing もっと見る vision as we speak." I mumbled. 
"bowl? あなた already ate?" he asked. 
"yep, I'm just getting some strawberries and ice cream. Then I'm heading up to my room for ベッド I guess. Don't have anything else to do. Maybe I'll visit Charles または something." I huffed and then scrunched my hair up. 
"Charles? The british guy? I don't like him." Denny growled. He had always hated Charles for some unknown reason. I figured it was a fight または something. But Charles was probably my best フレンズ here. 
"don't be so mean denny. I 愛 him." I protested. 
"well I hate him. Humph!" Denny grumbled. I could see him barely クロス his arms and I did the same. 
"what do あなた want?" Rita hissed from behind. 
"strawberries and a little ice cream please." I rubbed my eyes. For some reason I did that a lot, as if rubbing my eyes would miraculously restore my vision.
"one moment..." she hissed again and then vanished. A moment later she came back with a bowl and a spoon. She set the spoon in my hand and then moved onto Denny. 
"what あなた want?" she growled. 
"whatever ディナー is..." he howled back. Rita hissed at him and left again. I picked away at my desert slowly, savoring each bite, until I finally finished at eight. 

"Charles..." I knocked on the boys door. It hadn't taken me long to find his room, 音楽 was always blaring from it. 
"TK! come in come in!" he cried over the heavy metal rock in the background. 
"turn it down please! I can't hear a thing." I shouted. Charles ran over to a big black box and turned the volume down. 
"sorry, I forgot 'ow sensitive your ears were." he 発言しました in his thick british accent. I loved the way his voice sounded, deep and mysterious. It was very soothing and soft. 
"its fine, whatcha doing?" I asked and sat down on his bed. 
"listenin' to music. What's it look like I'm doin'?" he laughed and sat beside me. 
"so あなた know Ichigo Kirosaki right?" I asked. 
"yeah I know 'im. He's got spiky オレンジ hair and stuff. I hang out with him pretty often at school." charles poked at his own head. I always asked what color it was and then he'd tell me blonde and I would ask him to describe that. He'd answer with it's not white and it's kind of yellow. Which still confused me to this day. I didn't know about Colors(色) または anything like that. 
"I just met him today, apparently I've been tutoring his sister Karin. He 発言しました he was going to introduce me to someone named Chad tomorrow." I yawned. 
"Chad? I know 'im. 'es's got a really deep creepy voice. It scares me. but Chad's pretty nice. Doesn't talk much though." Charles poked at his spiky hair. 
"hmm... Guess I'll find out tomorrow." I 発言しました unenthusiastically. 
"oh, what happened 'ere?" charles toyed with the bandage wrapped around my knee. 
"I sliced it open on a fragment of a broken dish... I stayed for ディナー with the kirosakis and dropped the bowl on the floor. God I'm such a klutz." I burried my head in my hands. Charles put a hand on my shoulder and patted my back. 
"it's alright. Never knew a man who wasn't a klutz." Charles squeezed my arm. I plucked it away and then pushed my bangs off my forehead. 
"yeah but women are supposed to be graceful..." I protested.
"women, men, same difference." he laughed. I despised that laugh, I hadn't laughed in a while. In fact, I didn't even know I could laugh. 
"Hmm... Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Would あなた guide me back to my room?" I asked. 
"of course of course of course!" he cried and grabbed my hands. I didn't see why that was nessecary. But oh well, he will do what he does. I don't mind much, Charles is my best friend. He pulled me down the hall an practically threw me down the stairs. Charles ripped my up some もっと見る stairs and then pushed me into a room. He stood vacantly in the doorway and I stared at him quizzically.
"can I help you?" I asked. 
"I don't get any payment for dragging あなた 'ere?" he smiled crookedly. I could just barely make out the evil smile, it seemed I was loosing sight faster and faster. 
"nope. Never going to get payment!" I cried. He appeared behind me and whispered in my ear. 
"I want あなた to know something... あなた and I both have completely black eyes and we can both see spirits. I have this theory, that hollows somehow got a hold of us when we were inside of our parents. But they couldn't break through the ousted 'uman shell and so they just messed up our eyes. And remember that our parents have died and we came 'ere out of nessescity. I think that somehow, we're the same." charles whispered eerily. I pushed him away. He had to be joking. We couldn't both have all black eyes and dead parents...
"don't reject me so eagerly. Just think about it while あなた sleep alright? I'll wake あなた up tomorrow at six thirty for school." he ran his hands along his pants. Charles waved goodbye sarcastically and then marched out the door. I waved him off and then wrapped myself in blankets. Slowly, I drifted into peaceful sleep.
added by invaderlin123
added by silvaria_fan23
Source: Me
added by invaderzimrox
Source: i drew other ppls characters-riz and cheese belong to me
added by TurtleShroom
Source: TurtleShroom Productions
added by kiddygirl98
This is one of her themes and the lullaby she loved. This is also what Lilah's voice sounds like.
theme song
added by Misty199
added by KeeperOfSecrets
Source: Meeeee
added by invaderlin123
added by invaderlin123
added by broken_ang3l
Source: Art(c)Me, Sympathy(c)Wolfy123
added by invaderlin123
Source: notgonnadie
added by invaderjaz
Source: bff are kool
added by invaderlin123
Source: m3
added by invaderlin123
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Me and ... my camera?
added by Foxy10
Source: me
added by PoeticError
Source: Irkensona is mine
added by kiddygirl98
Source: me
added by invaderlin123
added by zgfangrl
Source: base によって invader---ash on DA