Independent Bookstores Links
Indie bookstores challange chains' (Amazon, Target, Walmart) ridiculous low hardback book prices.
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To promote his novel “Valeria’s Last Stand,” the Atlanta-based Mark Fitten is visiting 100 independent bookstores across the country, and blogging about their virtues.
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Soon coming to PBS, the documentary "Paperback Dreams". While focusing on two historically important independent bookstores in the CA ベイ, 湾 Area, Cody's & Kepler's, the film recognizes the difficulties of being indie in a Borders/ world.
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| guide to bookstores in the U.S. and Canada. Find an independent bookstore near you!
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Independent bookstore located in Menlo Park, CA. Host to many 作者 events, Sunday morning children's hour, and more.
1 fan
Large group of independent bookstores. Store locator, book search, gift certificates, association bestsellers, organization's history and staff.
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Recognition of great bookstores around the world.
32 fans