How to train your dragon rp How to train your dragon RP

YugiohFanatic1 posted on Jun 26, 2010 at 03:07PM
A lot of people have been hoping to start the RP soon,so I went ahead and made the actual RP.Now RP your brains out.

How to train your dragon rp 23 返信

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1年以上前 SuperFCGirl said…
where do we start? :D
1年以上前 dargox said…
( I'll kick this thing off )

Dargo and his dragon crimson: ~ flying around brek fast ~

Dargo: come on crimson girl let your wings rest on that clif

Crimson: ~ roars and lands on the clif that dargo stear her to ~
1年以上前 akeena said…
cynder: (hiding in shade looking at all the dragons)
1年以上前 dargox said…
Dargo: ok crimson r u ready to go home ~get back on crimson~

Crimson: ~roars and flys back to town~

( note crimson look like a night fury but with red wing and snout horn with black details race name is called darkscorn )
1年以上前 akeena said…
( okay )
1年以上前 dargox said…
Dargo and crimson: ~lands in town~
1年以上前 akeena said…
cynder: (watching them)
1年以上前 dargox said…
Dargo: ~get off and take off the saddle of crimson saying~ ok girl u can go play now I have to get work. ( note he work in the newly built dragon stayable as the stayable master and his job is to take care of dragons while their owner r gone. so he has alot on his plate. )

Crimson: ~roars happey like and flys off~
1年以上前 akeena said…
cynder: (watches her flying, is hiding in the shade)
1年以上前 akeena said…
blacktail: (walks up behind her, roars)
cynder: shhhhhhh blacktail
blacktail: sorry
1年以上前 dargox said…
( lol XD what the dragons that can talk! Oh my how will dargo react?)

Crimson: ~at her nest sleeping~ zzzzzz

Drago: ~at dragon stable, grabs a clip board off the wall and sits at his desk to check it~ hmm let see how many dragons r here today, ok 3 night fury and one is toothless , 2 ziplebacks, 50 tinyies, 5 gronkles, and 9 monsters. Dam I need hire people!
1年以上前 akeena said…
cynder: (flys down and keeps quiet, shes right next to drago)
1年以上前 dargox said…
big smile
Dargo: ~working and looks over to se cynder saying~ y hellow there and what type of dragon r u?
1年以上前 akeena said…
cynder: (rours in his face angrily)
1年以上前 dargox said…
Dargo: ( fall down in fear ) ow. Nice dragon please don't hurt me ok?

Crimson: ( hears cynder roar and come to aid dargo roaring at cynder ) ROOOAAARR!!
1年以上前 akeena said…
1年以上前 dargox said…
Crimson: ~lunge forware at cynder with her snout horn and roars even louder~ RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OOO­OAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RRR­RR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
1年以上前 akeena said…
cydner: (pushes her away from her, walks off)
1年以上前 Harpaw8 said…
Pearl and Midnight run up. midnight turns into shadow and scares crimson with a roar scarier then the night.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 akeena said…
cynder: "easy midnight, i want this two to be alive"
1年以上前 carlie445 said…
( a bone napper appers in front of pearl and midnight. )
1年以上前 Gintora_Sama said…
Toothless from his ususual day with Hiccup needed sometime with some dragons and heads into the woods seeing the Bone Napper.
1年以上前 Nojida said…
A fire-like red dragon randomly appears out of nowhere and steals the clip board. He chews is a little and then burns it because it didn't like the taste. Then burns the chair as well XD Then leaves after taking some fish with him
last edited 1年以上前