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A Brotp supporter speaks out



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I like this article : D
posted 1年以上前.
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You know she/he does make a good point. I get really sick of the "Who should Meredith be with? Should Meredith & Derek get together? Why aren't merder together?" and I'm like SSSSHHHHHH!!! They should just get them together and find another way to make the show interesting. Although not by getting George and Izzie together.

Also, as much as I love Ted, I don't really care about his girlfriends that much! I mean I do want to know hwo the mother is but I mean Amy, Natalie, they were all just sort of averagely funny.

P.s. I just went for Grey's Anatomy because I remember you saying you unsubscirbed to that spot because of the picks =D I could say the same for pretty much every tv show on right now =D
posted 1年以上前.
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another who should be with bla bla and ill go oot of my mind!!
im only subscriber to e.g. the gossip girl spot cause im waiting for new episodes..but that spot is really next on the list! you guys think that the writers knew that barney would end up being the star of the show?
posted 1年以上前.
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I know, If I have to have one more pick saying "Who should Blair be with, Chuck or Nate" I might have to cyber kill the maker.

I think he is a bit like Karen and Jack in Will & Grace. Now before you kill me for comparing him to them, I think he was written as a side character but after a while, they realised that he was becoming awesome so they gave him a bigger role/better lines.
posted 1年以上前.
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never a huge will and grace viewer..but i might have to watch it again..seemed funny.
i need new tv shows anyway cause theres only.. what 4? episodes of HIMYM left.
i wont bug people with a pick but am grateful for input ;)
posted 1年以上前.
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oh btw..that aint a pick cause its chair!!!
posted 1年以上前.
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I know, I mean Nate and Blair?
This is bad but lately I have been watching the big bang theory. It is far too confusing for me but I was hurting myself when they were talking about Superman. (You should youtube it, it made me think totally differently about superman =D )
posted 1年以上前.