Dr.HOUSE(ドクター・ハウス) Dr.House(ドクター・ハウス) Links
We all knew Wilson would find out about Huddy, we just didn't think it'd be this soon. Who will find out about them next?
3 fans
House and Wilson
3 fans
*_____* It looks a bit like the Spanish one, but it's not :b
2 fans
7 fans
ends without shrink または cane, but with something much better for House - at long ロスト
1 fan
Laurie: 'House was undone in the finale'
4 fans
もっと見る snippets from Ausiello's interview with Laurie. もっと見る of an interview than scoop または spoilers.
4 fans
I came up with some categories and ranked some of the best moments of season 6. What'd あなた think?
3 fans
10 fans
This society is specialised in caricature. The last one is Hugh Laurie's caricature!
1 fan