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treshalap said:
Who are you kidding? Hugh Laurie is not confirmed for this event. You did some "disclaimer" at the bottom of that paragraph..please keep in mind that schedules may change" or some such nonsense.You have two potw.
You have some juvenile skits. There'll probably be a nice dinner though which will have very limited seating.
It would be nice to meet your friends but whose going to travel to this?
You'll get the California folk and that's about it.
You are playing word games on your site. Anyone can see that.
When HL is confirmed I'll think about it.
Be straight.
posted 1年以上前.
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giggles said:
fox knows about this. You can do whatever you want.
posted 1年以上前.
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giggles said:
we have a blog up on our website which lists answers to some questions people have been giving us. Fox said "if any actor wants to go to a con, go for it" so we are in business. Come to the con.
posted 1年以上前.
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treshalap said:
You have changed the date. You have taken Hugh Laurie's name and announcement of his attending off your website . How can people believe you?
Do you think we can spend our money to go to a convention that may have Hugh Laurie or MAY have BFTV? I know I can't.
Good Luck
posted 1年以上前.