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added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
Source: tumblr. :)
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by TayTayBieber
Source: TayTayBieber
added by Hot_n_cold
Source: tumblr. :D
The first ファン made video I made. ^^ It sucks, I know. :P
クイーン of pop
ファン made
till the world ends
femme fatale
added by Hot_n_cold
Addicted to this song. ♥
time of out lives
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
Source: tumblr. :D
basically all I did was replace Amy with Katy. =D

Oh baby baby
Have あなた seen Katy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom
Is she smokin' up outside

Oh baby baby
Does she take a piece of ライム
For the drink that Imma buy her
Do あなた know just what she likes

Oh Oh
Tell me have あなた seen her
Because I'm so
I can't get her off of my brain

I just want to go to the party she gonna go
Can somebody take me ホーム
Ha ha he ha ha ho

Love me hate me
Say what あなた want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If あなた Seek Katy
Love me hate me
But can't あなた see what I see
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added by Hot_n_cold
愛 this song. <3
edge of glory
born this way
added by Hot_n_cold
posted by Hot_n_cold
Wow....I haven't been on in so long. And when I do come on It's only for a few 分 now. I'm thinking about leaving for good. I probably won't 削除 my account but I just won't come on anymore. It just feels weird being on here now. My tastes in basically everything have changed so much and my obsessions have changed. I feel really bad because for so long ファンポップ was basically my life. All I cared about was getting もっと見る ファン and trying to get medals. I started crying a few days 前 when I saw a e-mail from fanpop. I've met so many great people on here and I know there are so many other great...
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