MM: What is a typical night out in LA like for you?
HR: I 愛 food–I would like to think; I cook at home. However the truth is I 愛 dim sum, Japanese BBQ, Middle Eastern food, and vegan and raw food. So it’s 安全, 安全です to say I’m quite the themed eater. I also am a huge Jeopardy fan. So ディナー and a 表示する on it’s head.
MM: What gets あなた nostalgic/homesick for Texas?
HR: Pulled turkey sandwiches, Matthew McConaughey movies, and all holidays down to President’s 日 weekend.
MM: What 本 are あなた reading? What are your two favorites?
HR: Right now I’m 読書 Walter Kern’s Blood Will Out....
continue reading...