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posted by MiniChristie101
Now let's begin with the lovely couple. Mandy and grim. One 日 Mandy tried to kill herdself. But grim wouldn'yt let her bc he secretly had feelings for her. So he made her immortal. (She wouldnt die unless grim killed her himself) One 日 mandy set grim free and Billy died. Mandy grew up to be an assasin スラッシュ mayor. Grim came in and propsed to her. If she 発言しました no she would die, Of course she 発言しました yes. They had a son named Grim jr. who was a skeleton like grim. Then Mandy had Minimandy ecxpet it wasnt with grim. She hasd her with nergal junior. Grim and her still stayed together though. Grim...
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