Dark Matter Episode26 Onl.ine Stre.aming Wa.tch
Based upon the DC Comics super hero, “Green Lantern: The Animated Series” is an all-new CG animated action series about the further adventures of Hal Jordon and his comrades of the Green Lantern Corps. As Earth’s Green Lantern, Hal is used to being in dangerous situations – but he’s never faced anything like this! Set at the farthest reaches of deep space, the series finds Hal on the Guardian Frontier, where he must face down an invasion from によって the Red Lantern Corps. Powered によって pure rage, the evil Red Lanterns have sworn to destroy the Green Lantern Corps and everything they stand for. Dispatched with his friend and former drill sergeant – the gruff, hulking alien Kilowog – on the experimental spacecraft The Interceptor, Hal is soon joined によって an all-new group of ヒーローズ on a mission to protect Guardian 宇宙 – and the Green Lantern Corps itself!
Based upon the DC Comics super hero, “Green Lantern: The Animated Series” is an all-new CG animated action series about the further adventures of Hal Jordon and his comrades of the Green Lantern Corps. As Earth’s Green Lantern, Hal is used to being in dangerous situations – but he’s never faced anything like this! Set at the farthest reaches of deep space, the series finds Hal on the Guardian Frontier, where he must face down an invasion from によって the Red Lantern Corps. Powered によって pure rage, the evil Red Lanterns have sworn to destroy the Green Lantern Corps and everything they stand for. Dispatched with his friend and former drill sergeant – the gruff, hulking alien Kilowog – on the experimental spacecraft The Interceptor, Hal is soon joined によって an all-new group of ヒーローズ on a mission to protect Guardian 宇宙 – and the Green Lantern Corps itself!
Martin Campbell has recently anounced that there may be a cameo によって スーパーマン himself! That's what GL needs. But let's start at the beginning. In the original script, スーパーマン was going to cameo. It was tooken out of the film becouse they didn't want to depend on another Superhero for success dispite it being the most intisipated movie of 2011.
Martin Campbell has annouced that there will be a cameo によって スーパーマン if Tom Welling was willing to film it. あなた can check the picks and see that it ask if あなた want スーパーマン to cameo. PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!! Merry Chistmas, though.
投稿されました Dec. 2010
Martin Campbell has annouced that there will be a cameo によって スーパーマン if Tom Welling was willing to film it. あなた can check the picks and see that it ask if あなた want スーパーマン to cameo. PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!! Merry Chistmas, though.
投稿されました Dec. 2010