Greek gods and demigods Club
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added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
posted by puppy1418
The sexual habits of the ancient Greeks have been greatly misunderstood. This happens because of the misinterpretation of the sources, または the biased Christian morality. People often disagree over the specific subject and that's why average readers are often torn between two または もっと見る theories, presented in such a way that each one of them can be equally convincing. Such examples of controversy are the origin of the Greeks and the Greek alphabet, as well as the alleged homosexuality of the ancient Greek society.

The sexual preferences of the Greeks were often represented in plenty of vases, dating...
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added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
posted by puppy1418
The term "demigod", meaning "half god", is used to describe mythological figures whose one parent was a god and whose other parent was human. A few examples of demigods include the Celtic hero Cuchulain, Sumerian king Gilgamesh (Who supposedly was actually two thirds god), Ancient-Germanic "woodsman" Ansel, and Greek hero Hercules.


Part of the dual nature of Greek ヒーローズ that gave rise to the modern "demigod" conception of them—a repeated theme in the story of their birth—is a double paternity: one father is a king of some kind, and another is a god. The hero's mother manages...
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added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by teslas-1fan
Source: Charles Mulcahey
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
added by puppy1418
After he ascended the 王位 of Crete, Minos struggled with his brothers for the right to rule. Minos prayed to Poseidon to send him a snow-white bull, as a sign of approval. He was to sacrifice the ブル in honor of Poseidon but decided to keep it instead because of its beauty. To punish Minos, Poseidon caused Pasiphaë, Minos' wife, to fall madly in 愛 with the ブル from the sea, the Cretan Bull.She had Daedalus, the famous architect, make a wooden cow for her. Pasiphaë climbed into the decoy in order to copulate with the white bull. The offspring of their coupling was a monster called...
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