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added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
Source: Tyson Wirtzfeld
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by dannnyrocker
Source: val rassi
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
posted by JennyRocker197
• Aggressive, tough and defiant may describe me, but that leaves the impression I'm mean and I'm not. People expect me to have fangs.

• I think I would die without good music

• No ones immune now, to a world of problems. No ones exempt now, from a world of pain!

• And あなた have a record company behind it, this is a key too, あなた need people to fight for your records, at least a little bit. So if あなた have a great song, it's catchy, and you've got a little bit of help, I think that's all あなた need. But there hasn't been that in music.

• Girls have got balls. They're just a little higher up...
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added by MetalAnna345
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle
added by SelinaKyle