ファンポップ Island Club
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From hunting to camping, ファンポップ Island has it all. Come and visit the Great Forest. Relax, chill with your フレンズ in a warm and relaxing camp 火災, 火 または explore the wonderful 閲覧数 of ファンポップ Island's very vegetated green forest. Feel like hunting?? Come on over to the open season area, we mantain things settled and 動物 so that あなた don't have to do the work. Feeling emo? あなた can hang yourself!! We have from pine trees to beautiful Oak. ( just kidding XD)

Short Notice: There's no hunting in the forest unless your are in the limited open sesson area. If あなた dare harm an animal on purpose あなた will never be able to enter this ファンポップ feature.
added by deathnote
Are あなた bored? come on over to ファンポップ Island very own BEACH! Ride the バナナ ボート with your friends. Surf till there's no tomorrow!! または just read a book, sleep, get the best tand ever または simply enjoy the view and the sound of waves. Challenge your フレンズ to an ultimate round of バレーボール または to the greatest swiming competition! Build a sand castle. Anything あなた want, あなた know that Lago ビーチ id the place to have fun. Feel like fishing? WE also have an area for that too, catch a shark!! who knows?

Short notice: Let's keep this a clean beach, try not to be a poluter (is that evern a word? XD)
added by deathnote
added by deathnote
This cave might be one of Fanpop's most knowable and feared landmark. For it's haunted または so it's said.

In 2004 when ファンポップ Island was discovered, some Fanpopers went camping. One of the victims managed to survive and told us the whole story. She 発言しました that all ファンポップ users were never seen again. The cave has powers that make people confused with what's right ans wrong, first they start seen illutions that call them toward the wrong path and so the cave separates everyone.She also 発言しました that they spoke to the illutions. As she saw this she managed to scape since she wasn't very far away...
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added by deathnote