エモ Club
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added by AshleyDawnX
added by EdenLestrange
Source: ira, vampira, emo, girl, scene, queen, make up, hair, pastel goth, gothic, cosplay, anime, manga, wh
added by EdenLestrange
Source: ira, vampira, emo, girl, scene, queen, make up, hair, pastel goth, gothic, cosplay, anime, manga, wh
added by metalnaunx
added by AnastasiaAnime
added by EmoSceneKid
added by bvbmary15
added by ParamoreGirl
posted by Mallory101
The night was falling
And the stars are 表示する up
My ハート, 心 is still weak and cold
I try to defeated with the shadow
But I can’t
Is this the only way I can find my true love?
Sitting here all alone
Watching the stars
Hoping for the sign
The night was falling slowly
And the stars are 表示する up
And my cold ハート, 心 still searching for something
My lonely soul is ロスト in the darkness
Try to find the way home
My fallen エンジェル is ロスト in my embrace forever
I see あなた in my dreams, dark angel
My 愛 is belong only in your dreams
There is nothing to do with it
I am just shadow
Who is always hidden from the light
My cold heart...
continue reading...
added by reckless_rebels
Source: lilly
added by katthegat
Source: @katthegat
added by AshleyDawnX
added by jaxsky1
Source: devil was once an エンジェル </3
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax sky
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax sky
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax
Forever Changed
© Danielle
I heard the footsteps coming and I knew this would be another long night
And something inside me screamed this time it really isn’t right
The words he was saying were ruthless and cruel
And each time he hit me I sat there and obeyed each and every rule
I sat there blank faced and scared knowing that I couldn’t cry
For I knew what would happen if he saw the tears in my eyes

Each and every スイング felt worse and worse
And then all I wanted was to be dead in a hearse
He got real close and whispered “Bitch I wish あなた weren’t alive”
And all I was thinking was you’re right,...
continue reading...
posted by Mallory101
To all the Emos out there....

Two slits on my wrists
To hide.
Two slits on my wrists
Whose blood subsides.
Leaving two scars on my wrists
Forever left behind.

Blood paints my skin,
As I cut away my sins,
Of hate and depression.

I feel pain for once,
That won't last long,
Because I sing my song,
Of death and pain,
With joy because I gain,

I feel no love.
I feel no joy.
Only feelings of
The pull to destroy,
What is left of my soul,
Which is as dark as coal,
And end my life forever.

I toy with the minds,
Of people who find,
That I am not the same,
As I used to be.

And as I explain,
The tragedy,
That led to my change,
They recognize my life,
As unworthy.

So forever I sit,
Alone in this world,
Cutting away,
To my death,
Cutting away,
To my last breath.