Emily Browning Bella?

funnyshawna posted on Apr 26, 2008 at 02:45AM
is emily really gonna be bella in the twilight movie? cos some sites say she is, but others say kristen stewart is gonna play bella. does anybody know anything?

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1年以上前 Bandgeek_XP said…
Um...It's Kristen but Emliy would do sooo good as bella, im you Rob who is a Brit then you have her, Emliy who is an aussie! I mean what a perfect Match! But you just to live with what we have:(

I still think she should have done the roll...
1年以上前 funnyshawna said…
oh wow, this is an OLD post! wow. ive known it was kristen for a long time now. i posted this in...april. oh. i like kristen, she is my favorite. but i also like emily...oh well. it is what it is. and i am happy with it:)