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Dungeons & ドラゴン What version of Dungeons & ドラゴン do あなた like best?

13 fans picked:
D&D v3.5
Original D&D
D&D v3
Advanced D&D
D&D 4
Other: I prefer something similar to D&D, like Pathfinder for example
Advanced D&D2
no votes yet
 thatnerdyguy posted 1年以上前
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thatnerdyguy picked D&D v3.5:
As for me, I feel most at home with 3.5, though Pathfinder definitely has its upsides.
posted 1年以上前.
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RedRaven picked D&D 4:
posted 1年以上前.
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Fassmckee picked Original D&D:
The card game is gay.
posted 1年以上前.
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lordgamer picked D&D v3:
i am trying to find other versions
posted 1年以上前.
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glelsey picked D&D v3.5:
This is definitely my favourite, but I've also played using the Advanced D&D rules a fair amount.

I've also played 4.0 a bit but haven't quite got my head around it yet.
posted 1年以上前.
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MaidofOrleans picked Other: I prefer something similar to D&D, like Pathfinder for example:
I've played quite a bit of Pathfinder, and a tiny bit of D&D 5e.
posted 1年以上前.
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Mellene picked D&D v3.5:
posted 1年以上前.