あなた know i 愛 ducks.They are the best things on this very plant.kids at my school call me ducky and i 愛 that.I bet 100$ that ducks like bread!I know that i will win this bet.Ducks are very cute,cool,smart(like me),funny,and the coolest part about ducks is that they QUACK!I mean who know ducks quack!If あなた 愛 ducks please Eメール me at mindyrocks2@gmail.com.I know something that あなた do not know about ducks...THEY 愛 WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I mean who know they loved water!!!!!!!!!!! If あなた 愛 water like ducks then go and get a glass of water.If あなた do that please Eメール me and tell me that あなた got a glass of water and i will Eメール あなた back.Does that sound like a deal?Well thats all for today folks.