a poll 追加されました:
お気に入り Of These Three 2009 Companions?
1年以上前 by louisajane
a poll 追加されました:
お気に入り Of These Series 1 Female Supporting Companions?
1年以上前 by louisajane
an answer was added to this question:
Which Doctor would you want to be a companion to and why?
1年以上前 by booklover35
a comment was made to the poll:
Which Companion Looks Best as a ディズニー Princess Character?
1年以上前 by booklover35
a comment was made to the poll:
Which girl companion is your Favorite?
1年以上前 by booklover35
a poll 追加されました:
Which These Three Was Your Favourite Heroic Moment?
1年以上前 by louisajane
a photo 追加されました:
20375713 874221602724806 2260731884222507390 n
1年以上前 by doctor23
a comment was made to the poll:
Who has the worst jealous streak? Rose または Martha?
1年以上前 by LovesManyThings
a comment was made to the poll:
Do あなた like Rose Tyler?
1年以上前 by LovesManyThings
a comment was made to the poll:
Do あなた like Donna Noble?
1年以上前 by LovesManyThings
a comment was made to the poll:
Do あなた like Martha Jones?
1年以上前 by LovesManyThings
a comment was made to the poll:
Do あなた like River Song?
1年以上前 by LovesManyThings
a comment was made to the poll:
Which of these groups did あなた like Traveling together With the doctor
1年以上前 by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the poll:
Which female companion would make a fetching pirate???
1年以上前 by fansfunsz
an answer was added to this question:
What Doctor Who moments made you cry?
1年以上前 by Gwen22
a comment was made to the photo:
Doctors Companion
1年以上前 by Rainbowblitz
a comment was made to the answer:
My fave is a tie between Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane Smith (who sadly will never grace our screens again, RIP) Amy's just annoying and don't even get me...
1年以上前 by PrincessBelle2
a comment was made to the answer:
My fave is a tie between Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane Smith (who sadly will never grace our screens again, RIP) Amy's just annoying and don't even get me...
1年以上前 by ClaraOdswald
a comment was made to the answer:
i hath made a 一覧 1.Rose 2.Amy 3.Donna/Martha and since im somewhat of a hater for Clara 100.Clara:( nobody can beat rose,NOBODY
1年以上前 by ClaraOdswald
a comment was made to the answer:
I really like every one except Martha. Sorry to anyone who likes Martha. I like Amy because I feel she is very independent and has a life other than...
1年以上前 by ClaraOdswald
a comment was made to the answer:
1) Rose Tyler 2) Rory Williams 3) Donna Noble 4) Sarah Jane Smith 5) Jack Harkness 6) Martha Jones 7) Mickey Smith 8) River Song 9) Amy Pond...
1年以上前 by ClaraOdswald
a comment was made to the answer:
i hath made a 一覧 1.Rose 2.Amy 3.Donna/Martha and since im somewhat of a hater for Clara 100.Clara:( nobody can beat rose,NOBODY
1年以上前 by ClaraOdswald
an answer was added to this question:
Who is your favorite companion?
1年以上前 by ClaraOdswald
an answer was added to this question:
Which Doctor would you want to be a companion to and why?
1年以上前 by Horse6702
an answer was added to this question:
If you could pick any companion (including the ones from the specials) to come back who would it be?
1年以上前 by cliff445
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like Clara Oswald?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like River Song?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a comment was made to the poll:
Do あなた like Rory Williams?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like Rory Williams?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a comment was made to the poll:
Do あなた like Amy Pond?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like Amy Pond?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like Donna Noble?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like Martha Jones?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a poll 追加されました:
Do あなた like Rose Tyler?
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a comment was made to the poll:
Rose または Amy
1年以上前 by IllusionDolls
a comment was made to the answer:
I find this 質問 REALLY hard to answer my first お気に入り companion was Amy but I'm starting to like Clara and since its taking so long for more...
1年以上前 by goinsane413
a comment was made to the answer:
I find this 質問 REALLY hard to answer my first お気に入り companion was Amy but I'm starting to like Clara and since its taking so long for more...
1年以上前 by goinsane413
an answer was added to this question:
Who is your favorite companion?
1年以上前 by goinsane413
an answer was added to this question:
Who is your favorite companion?
1年以上前 by ishymiss123
an answer was added to this question:
Do you think Martha's feelings towards Rose would be different if she saw how The Doctor lost her and thier sad final meeting together?
1年以上前 by ishymiss123
an answer was added to this question:
What Doctor Who moments made you cry?
1年以上前 by ktichenor
an answer was added to this question:
What Doctor Who moments made you cry?
1年以上前 by davidtennantlol
a video 追加されました:
doctor + companions | stop the world i wanna get off with あなた
1年以上前 by Mannu967
a comment was made to the poll:
Who is the greatest guy companion? P.S. it's Rory. Just saying
1年以上前 by helynn
an icon 追加されました:
The Tenth Doctor with Rose Tyler
1年以上前 by 3xZ
an answer was added to this question:
Which Doctor would you want to be a companion to and why?
1年以上前 by RoseTyler12
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1年以上前 by DoctorWhoNerd11
a comment was made to the answer:
My all time お気に入り companion of the Doctor is Rose Tyler, I 愛 her compassion, her brilliance, and her 愛 for all that is right.
1年以上前 by Elistia
a comment was made to the answer:
My all time お気に入り companion of the Doctor is Rose Tyler, I 愛 her compassion, her brilliance, and her 愛 for all that is right.
1年以上前 by kaychangman
an answer was added to this question:
Who is your favorite companion?
1年以上前 by kaychangman