Disclaimer: A 一覧 I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.
10) She doesn't go around in a 200 pound yellow frilly dress and try to sketch 動物 in the jungle.
9) Terk has her own song, and a fantastic one it is, too!
8) Terk knows that whenever あなた say "It can't get any worse than this" it always does. She never says that in the movie, does she?
7) Terk is any easy-going girl, no fuss and feathers about her! ("He has no respect for personal boundaries!"-from Jane)
6) Being someone's best friend is better than being their sweetheart any day!
5) I'd rather be a gorilla than look like Jane!
4) Terk doesn't go around in a スカート with a thigh-high slit in it.
3) Terk has an unmanagable name- Terkina- but she can get a cool nickname out of it!
2) Terk is a tomboy, better than a prissy little British girl fresh out of 'Finishing School'
1) Terk doesn't run to 'daddy' at a drop of a hat!
(Source: animatedheroines.com)
10) She doesn't go around in a 200 pound yellow frilly dress and try to sketch 動物 in the jungle.
9) Terk has her own song, and a fantastic one it is, too!
8) Terk knows that whenever あなた say "It can't get any worse than this" it always does. She never says that in the movie, does she?
7) Terk is any easy-going girl, no fuss and feathers about her! ("He has no respect for personal boundaries!"-from Jane)
6) Being someone's best friend is better than being their sweetheart any day!
5) I'd rather be a gorilla than look like Jane!
4) Terk doesn't go around in a スカート with a thigh-high slit in it.
3) Terk has an unmanagable name- Terkina- but she can get a cool nickname out of it!
2) Terk is a tomboy, better than a prissy little British girl fresh out of 'Finishing School'
1) Terk doesn't run to 'daddy' at a drop of a hat!
(Source: animatedheroines.com)
This is a 一覧 of my ten お気に入り ディズニー sidekicks (both good and evil), または groups of sidekicks, and the positive things and negative things about them. Some of the individual ones may have been taken from a group, and some of the groups are left whole. I'm sure your opinion will be different from mine. Actually my idea of who is the best will change from 日 to 日 sometimes, but these ten are always somewhere at the very 上, ページのトップへ of list. Here are the ten best ディズニー Sidekicks (in my personal opinion).
Disclaimer: A 一覧 I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.
1. He can make porridge, with cute smiley faces
2. He is loyal, but has a sweet side
3. He can ride down an avalanche on a shield
4. He wears an apron, when cooking
5. He doesn't lie
6. He's concerned over Mulan, and keeps bugs out of her meal
7. He is daring enough to light a huge dynamite rocket thing on his back
8. He doesn't change the sound of his voice every 2 minutes
9. He doesn't annoy mean matchmakers
10. He can use gongs to climb statues
(Source: animatedheroines.com)
1. He can make porridge, with cute smiley faces
2. He is loyal, but has a sweet side
3. He can ride down an avalanche on a shield
4. He wears an apron, when cooking
5. He doesn't lie
6. He's concerned over Mulan, and keeps bugs out of her meal
7. He is daring enough to light a huge dynamite rocket thing on his back
8. He doesn't change the sound of his voice every 2 minutes
9. He doesn't annoy mean matchmakers
10. He can use gongs to climb statues
(Source: animatedheroines.com)
Disclaimer: A 一覧 I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.
1. He is a sidekick; therefore he has none to make trouble.
2. He sings but keeps it to a minimum. He doesn’t make us sit through two solos.
3. Little swirls of colored leaves are not constantly swirling around him.
4. He doesn’t make フレンズ with the enemy.
5. He doesn’t fall in love.
6. He doesn’t risk his life to save a guy he barely knows.
7. He is loyal, faithful and obedient, unlike Pocahontas.
8. He doesn’t lie.
9. He doesn’t ask フレンズ to lie for him.
10. Unlike Pocahontas, he plays it safe. あなた won’t catch him white water canoeing.
11. He creates interesting hedge designs.
12. He doesn’t get anyone killed.
13. He doesn’t jump off of cliffs.
(Source: animatedheroines.com)
1. He is a sidekick; therefore he has none to make trouble.
2. He sings but keeps it to a minimum. He doesn’t make us sit through two solos.
3. Little swirls of colored leaves are not constantly swirling around him.
4. He doesn’t make フレンズ with the enemy.
5. He doesn’t fall in love.
6. He doesn’t risk his life to save a guy he barely knows.
7. He is loyal, faithful and obedient, unlike Pocahontas.
8. He doesn’t lie.
9. He doesn’t ask フレンズ to lie for him.
10. Unlike Pocahontas, he plays it safe. あなた won’t catch him white water canoeing.
11. He creates interesting hedge designs.
12. He doesn’t get anyone killed.
13. He doesn’t jump off of cliffs.
(Source: animatedheroines.com)