ディズニー fairytales club Club
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 My fav film from ディズニー (Live Action combining 2D animation)
My fav film from Disney (Live Action combining 2D animation)
Here are my favourite films that I will never get sick of

Enchanted: A cartoon princess is banished from her cartoon world to modern 日 NY and falls for an attorney. Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey 星, つ星 in this sweet cheesy fairytale with a modern twist and with an all 星, つ星 cast

Swan Princess: A young princess falls for a prince from another land and she has a curse on her thanks to a warlock who changes her into a 白鳥, スワン when the moon disapears.

The Little Mermaid: A teen mermaid falls for a human prince after she saves him from drowning and goes to the sea witch to transform her into a human

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 Giselle is about to get real in this cute movie
Giselle is about to get real in this cute movie
Ok what happens when a cartoon princess falls into a magic wishing well and fall for an atorrney? well that what happens in this remarkable kids flick which in my opinion is very good. The story kicks off in 2D アニメーション in Andalasia where a young maiden who dreams of sharing (you guessed it) True Love's キッス falls for a handsome Prince named Edward and the two decide to marry the 次 日 of course his evil stepmother doesn't want this to happen and throws Giselle( voiced によって Amy Adams) into our world as a real woman (still Adams at her best). Scared and ロスト she meets an divorce Attorney named Robert Philip(Patrick Dempsey)who is a single father ready to pop the 質問 to his girlfriend of 5 yrs Nancy tremaine(Idina Menzel) . Of course あなた know the rest. Personally its got funny charcthers, cute dialoge, and eye キャンディー as well.

If あなた 愛 fairytales then give it a shot

Verdict: Best live action/cartoon film I have seen in years.

Rating: 10/10

Enchated あなた will be
 Giselle falls for an attorney(twisted side)
Giselle falls for an attorney(twisted side)
 Belle was not a princess in the begining of B& B (animated)
Belle was not a princess in the begining of B& B (animated)
Here is my opinion :

Live action fairytales

1. They are cute and cheesy at the same time.

2. If its a musical it can be a fun ,enjoyable experience

3. The charcthers may not get along yet they fall in 愛 at the same time

4. They may be very roamntic または not

5. Happy ever afters

Examples of live action fairytales:

Princess Diaries 1 & 2
Enchanted(half and half )

Animated fairytales

1. They have a nice colourful background
2. Very enjoyable
3. The charcthers are unique and different at the same time

4. Blended によって ファンタジー and romance at the same time e.g A mermaid, A princess etc

5. start of poor then wealthy.

6. The princesses would not care if there princes aren't royality for example アラジン is a commoner または John Rolfe/SMith was a sailor/tobacco farmer.

Examples : Little Mermaid,Beauty and the beast
 the twisted fairytale Enchanted(live action, yet some scenes are animated)
the twisted fairytale Enchanted(live action, yet some scenes are animated)
1. Beauty and the Beast (1991)-About a french girl in a village who's father goes to a fair and sees an 魔法にかけられて 城 guarded によって a beast .

Reason I like it?
Both Belle and the Beast don't get along and they fall in 愛 with each other and she doesn't care if his ugly または not cause she saw the prince(who was the beast) as a kind,loving person with a good heart.Plus the 音楽 is brillant.

2. Cinderella(1950)

A young servant girl who lives with her evil stepmother and two stepsisters is invited to a ball and falls for a handsome prince.

Reason why I like it?: The prince liked her for who she was...
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 Enchanted(live action reference to most of the princesses with a twist
Enchanted(live action reference to most of the princesses with a twist
1. A Whole New World(Aladdin)
Singer: Peobryo Benson & Regina Belle
Love this song as it is very romantic and cute

2. Ever Ever After(Enchanted)
Singer: Carrie Underwood

Wouldn't we all want to live happily ever after with the right person.

3. So Close(Again from Enchanted)
Singer: Jon Mclaughlin
Very romantic and deals with falling for someone but can't be with that person cause there already going out with someone else.

4. Beauty & The Beast
Singer: Peobyo Benson & Celine Dion

BEST DUET EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. キッス the Girl

Singer : Peter Andre(orginal)
Love the song btw

6. Colours of...
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 The old classic romantic tales since the 90's Beauty & the Beast
The old classic romantic tales since the 90's Beauty & the Beast
Here is some reasons why I 愛 ディズニー couples

1. The plotline and the story behind each ディズニー couple film is so dramatic または romantic

2. Definelty the chemistry between them e.g Belle and the Beast didn't get along but they end up falling for each other, Ariel fell for Eirc after she saved his life from drowning, シンデレラ was in 愛 with a prince, In the live action ones Giselle fell for Robert a lawyer who helps her find her prince ,but it turns out his her real true 愛 etc

3. The 音楽 can be very romantic and classy e.g Beauty & the Beast

4. The men can be either commoners likr Aladdin, a sailor ,like Eirc ,a lawyer,like Robert etc. The females who fall for these kind of guys meaning they don't care if there not perfect または not from a royality background.

5. The happy endings of course ,every ディズニー fairytale should be happy .

These are my 5 reasons why I 愛 ディズニー couples so I hope that あなた enjoyed that.

See ya

 Today's ディズニー 愛 (Enchanted) 2007
Today's Disney love (Enchanted) 2007