ディズニー・カップル Which ディズニー Couples Are Missing?

chameron4eva posted on May 28, 2009 at 07:14PM
So, I'm really curious to know...

Who are the Disney Couples?

I found this picture of Disney Couples, and I was wondering....

Which couples are missing?
 So, I'm really curious to know... Who are the ディズニー Couples? I found this picture of ディズニー Co

ディズニー・カップル 22 返信

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1年以上前 PrincessKatya said…
Do sequels count? If so, Kiara and Kovu.
1年以上前 chameron4eva said…
True, Kiara and Kovu.

And since sequels count, Pocahontas and John Rolfe.... although I still prefer John Smith
1年以上前 becca85 said…
Pongo and Perdita (One Hundred and One Dalmatians)
Milo and Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Bambi and Faline (Bambi)
Thomas and Duchess (The Aristocats)
Robin Hood and Maid Marian (Robin Hood)
Bianca and Bernard (The Rescuers)
Eilonwy and Taran (The Black Cauldron)

Mowgli and Shanti (The Jungle Book 2)
Kovu and Kiara (like mentioned above ^^) (The Lion King 2)

And the classics:
Mickey and Minnie
Donald and Daisy

I think I got them all (maybe?)
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 chameron4eva said…
Eilonwy and Taran.... huh, I didn't know Disney did that film.

lol, I only know the more popular ones.... I have no idea who the others are.
1年以上前 pretty_angel92 said…
angel and scamp(lady and the tramp II)
vixey and tod (the fox and the hound)
jessica and roger(who framed roger rabbit)
fifi/babette and loumiere(beauty and the beast)
sally and jack(the nightmare before christmas)
bo peep and woody (toy story)
jessie and buzz or jessie and woody(toy story II)
madellaine and quasimodo(the hunchback of notre dame II)
roxanne and max(a goofy movie)
princess atta and flik (a bug's life)
mei and yao(mulan II)
ting-ting and ling(mulan II)
su and chien-po(mulan II)
kim and ron(kim possible)
amelia and jim ???? (treasure planet)
robert parr and helen parr(the incredibles)
nita and kenai(brother bear)
sally and mcqueen(cars)
colette and linguini(ratatouille)
eve and wall-e(wall-e)
tiana and naveen(the princess and the frog)
giselle and robert(enchanted)
nancy and edward(enchanted)
1年以上前 disney_prince said…
Alot of the ones I am about to put down will be repeated but..

Snow White and The Prince
Bambi and Faline
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Peter Pan and Wendy (or some say Tinker Bell)
Lady and Tramp
Aurora and Phillip
Pongo and Perdita
Roger and Anita
Mowgli and Shanti (although she isn't named untilll the sequel)
Duchess and Thomaus O' Malley
Robin Hood and Maid Marian
Bernard and Bianca
Tod and Vixey
Taran and Eilonwy
Ariel and Eric
Belle and the Beast (also known as Prince Adam by some)
Aladdin and Jasmine
Simba and Nala
Pocahontas and John Smith
Esmeralda and Pheobus
Hercules and Megara
Mulan and Shang
Tarzan and Jane
Kida and Milo

Woody and Bo Peep
Flit and Atta
Buzz and Jessie
Mike and Celia
Bob and Helen Parr
McQueen and Sally
WallE and EVE

the list keeps on going.. it depends whether or not you want to include Parent couples, Sequels, Couples from less sucessful movies etc etc
1年以上前 chameron4eva said…
Damn.... that is ALOT of couples. lol. You guys have great memories. Like I said, I only know the more popular ones.
1年以上前 cinderella21261 said…
Giselle and Robert
Nancy and Edward
Tiara and prince frog( i forgott his name)
1年以上前 cinderella21261 said…
Wall-e and eve
1年以上前 LisaForde said…
Giselle & Robert
 Giselle & Robert
1年以上前 PociandSmith said…
i BELIEVE that the basic couples which missing are: Phoebus and Esmeralda and Pocahontas and John Smith.
1年以上前 vertika said…
miguel and chels are missing!they are from the road to el dorodo!
1年以上前 vertika said…
and whoelse mmm spirit and rain!from the movie spirit stallion of the cimmaron!
 and whoelse mmm spirit and rain!from the movie spirit stallion of the cimmaron!
1年以上前 vertika said…
milo and kida!
1年以上前 vertika said…
peter pan and wendy!
1年以上前 vertika said…
mowgli and shanti!
1年以上前 chocchipcon said…
Odette and Derek from The Swan Princess!!!
1年以上前 carrieicecream said…
big smile
Nancy and Prince Edward from Enchanted!
 Nancy and Prince Edward from Enchanted!
1年以上前 carrieicecream said…
And if we're counting non-Disney, then Kayley and Garett from Quest for Camelot too. :)
 And if we're counting non-Disney, then Kayley and Garett from Quest for Camelot too. :)
1年以上前 tiffasneeze said…
If you also want non-disney characters there is Anastasia and Demetry and Thumbelina and Cornelius. And from Up there's Ellie and Carl. Oh, and Rapunzel and Flynn. Sinbad and Marina.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 fahmad27 said…
Nick Wilde/Judy Hopps
·3 か月前 CutiePie1112 said…
The Great Prince of the Forest and Bambi's mother
 The Great Prince of the Forest and Bambi's mother