Demon Morality Club
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This 記事 is an extended version of a コメント I made to a ファン pick 質問 on the same topic that I 投稿されました some time 前 on the 犬夜叉 spot. My 閲覧数 on human-demon 愛 affairs, here it goes. Human-Demon affairs what does it mean to me, I’ll tell あなた I HATE IT, yes, yes, yes, I am much to strait laced with this, but I can't help that it's what I feel. Human-demon relationships make me angry, I mean its complex, but where's the morality? によって Morality I mean how can two people from completely different worlds truly belong together? Like the Inu no Taisho for instance (Inuyasha’s and...
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posted by sayomi641
 when in transformation
when in transformation
A Geisha Vampiress is very dangerous. They live off of attractive men's blood and are very SUDUCTIVE!! They way they eat is first, they luar a hot man, then they make out for awhile and then without warning she bites them and stabs them with a special ナイフ called "THE ABSORBER" which sucks up their souls. When they turn into a vampire their eyes are either red, crimson, black, aburn, または brown and thier hair stays the same put they get paler. They can control the blood thirst well but, if they don't eat fast they get less pretty but are still pretty sort of like in the movie "Jennifer's Body" except they have to live off animal bllod for that time to keep their beauty. When there are no good men left in the village they leave to go to the 次 one. In our time they are called a "Hooker Vampiress" same deal with them too except they hide in allies while they are weak.
 vampiress form
vampiress form
 vampiress form
vampiress form
 after drinking blood
after drinking blood
 geisha form
geisha form
 geisha form when about to catch her prey
geisha form when about to catch her prey
 the absorber pic 1
the absorber pic 1
 the absorber pic 2
the absorber pic 2
 the absober pic 3
the absober pic 3
 "hooker vampiress"
"hooker vampiress"
 modern one
modern one
 modern 2
modern 2
 "Hooker Vampiress 2"
"Hooker Vampiress 2"
 sad vampiress when having just animal blood
sad vampiress when having just animal blood
posted by LunaDragon
Shadow 天使 are 天使 that have been evicted from heaven. When they are sent to earth they start there “Life” as a normal human. They are sent to earth to help some one who desperately needs it, but they don’t remember who, where the person is. They don’t even remember that they are shadow angels. When they are born as a human on earth, they have birth marks of wings on there backs. When they turn nine, in human years, they birth mark wings become real wings. That they can use when ever they wont to. Ones they get there wings, they also get their powers. Their main powers are super human speed and strength, but one of their most famous powers is the power over the winds. What gives them the power over the wind is always been a mystery, but we know that because they have the power of wind makes them one of the original five. No もっと見る is know about them because they are a very concealing race.
posted by LunaDragon
White 狼, オオカミ demons are demons that have two forms. Their 狼, オオカミ form and their demonic form. In their demonic form, they look like humans except they have white 狼, オオカミ ears instead of the round ears that humans have, along with thoughs white ears, their hair is also pure white. They also have large canine teeth and claws instead of nails. All white 狼, オオカミ demons have super human speed and strength. They are the masters of the sword. When they use their blade it always is covered with either blue, white, または silver fire. They can also manipulate the 火災, 火 to their wishes. What gives them the power over...
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