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Dean Martin Your お気に入り Dean quote ?

21 fans picked:
“ I once shook hands with Pat Boone and my whole...
“I once shook hands with Pat Boone and my whole right side sobered up.”
&# 34; You&# 39;&# 34; re not drunk if あなた can lie on the floor...
"You'"re not drunk if あなた can lie on the floor without holding on."
&# 34; Motivation is a lotta crap. &# 34;
"Motivation is a lotta crap. "
&# 34; Drink up and be somebody baby!&# 34;
"Drink up and be somebody baby!"
Last night she was bangin&# 39; on my door for 45...
Last night she was bangin' on my door for 45 minutes..but I wouldn't let her out.
&# 34; How long I been on?&# 34;
"How long I been on?"
&# 34; Do I look all blurry to you? &# 39; Cause あなた look...
"Do I look all blurry to you? 'Cause あなた look blurry to me!"
&# 34; あなた wanna hear it straight, buy the album.&# 34;
"You wanna hear it straight, buy the album."
&# 34; Last time I was this hot I had a kid...&# 34;
"Last time I was this hot I had a kid..."
&# 34; I have seven beautiful kids... Don&# 39; t clap, it...
"I have seven beautiful kids... Don't clap, it only took seven minutes."
&# 34; Mentally, I&# 39; m a nun!&# 34;
"Mentally, I'm a nun!"
I drink because my body craves, needs alcohol. I...
I drink because my body craves, needs alcohol. I don`t drink, my body`s a drunk.
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&# 34; I&# 39; m dancing with tears in my eyes, cause the girl...
"I'm dancing with tears in my eyes, cause the girl in my arms is a boy!"
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&# 34; I look under Jordan and what do I see..... Mrs....
"I look under Jordan and what do I see.....Mrs. Jordan.."
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&# 34; あなた think these are cufflinks, these are...
"You think these are cufflinks, these are curbfeelers, that's how I get around!"
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&# 34; Return to me, I&# 39; ve got a sink full of dishes&# 34;
"Return to me, I've got a sink full of dishes"
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&# 34; When you&# 39; re drinking... あなた get stinking...&# 34;
"When you're drinking...you get stinking..."
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I&# 39; m such a ham, last night the fridgelight came on...
I'm such a ham, last night the fridgelight came on and I did 4 songs.
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 LadyKnight posted 1年以上前
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&# 34; Drink up and be somebo- dy...
jannette_camou picked "Drink up and be somebody baby!":
posted 1年以上前.
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&# 34; You&# 39;&# 34; re not drunk if あなた can...
LadyKnight picked "You'"re not drunk if あなた can lie on the floor without holding on.":
Lol if you get to the level of the floor, you're not drunk you're downright plastered. :D
posted 1年以上前.
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&# 34; I have seven beautif- ul...
HousesCane picked "I have seven beautiful kids... Don't clap, it only took seven minutes.":
My absolute favorite "I don't drink anymore. I freeze it and eat it like a popsicle!"
posted 1年以上前.
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&# 34; How long I been on?&# 34;
reemabunny picked "How long I been on?":
That was hard but delightful in the same time .. I luv all of dean's quotes ♥
posted 1年以上前.