Danny Phantom Club
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added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by Mountaindew12
Yeah! Ohh-ooohhh!

It was, it was September
Wind blows, the dead leaves fall
To you, I did surrender
Two weeks, あなた didn't call

Your life goes on without me
My life, a losing game
But あなた should,
あなた should not doubt me!
あなた will remember my name

Oh, Ember, あなた will remember!
Ember, one thing remains!
Oh, Ember, so warm and tender!
あなた will remember my name!

Yor heart, your ハート, 心 abandoned
Your wall, now perishing
Like dead trees in cold December...
Nothing, but ashes remain

Oh, Ember, あなた will remember!
Ember, one thing remains!
Ember, so warm and tender...!
あなた will remember my name!

あなた will remember!
Ember, one thing remains!

Ai, Ember!
So warm and tender!
あなた will remember my name!

Yeah, あなた will remember my name...!
added by kitmolly123
Source: ecokitty on DeviantArt
added by cartoonfangirl
added by australia-101
"How do あなた know? Oh right" 発言しました Tucker.

"I wonder why,” asked Jazz.

"My guess is he found out about my parents dumping me at the Eclipse school andhe put two
and two together and that It." u answer

"Well, we are here for you" 発言しました Danny.

"Yes, he isn't going to hunt you,” 発言しました Tucker touching u on the shoulder あなた blush.

"Thanks everybody at あなた don't have to do that, I can take care of myself."

"Sure, but u are apart of this group if あなた like it または not" 発言しました Dani and Sam.

"I'm warning あなた if I get mad あなた better stay away, because I have started things on 火災, 火 on accidental."

They laugh.

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added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
Chapter 4!!!Chapter 4!!!!!!Were very close to the end to figure out whos Stellas!!!So read this chapter to figure out some pieces!!

Chapter 4:Dinner,Home,&Vlad??

Danny's POV

I was just shocked about what just happened.I had kissed the girl who tried to kill me!Weird is'nt it.I pushed
off her and she blushed,which was sorta cute..WAIT SHES EVIL WHAT ARE あなた DOING CALLING HER CUTE!!!My inner thoughts yelled at me.She then flew out my window,leaving me again alone.I turned back to Danny Fenton and sat on my ベッド pondering what just happened."DANNY MOM AND DAD ARE WAITING AT THE DOOR COME ON!!"yelled...
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added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by DJDragon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by Mountaindew12
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon