Cosmo The Seedrian Club
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added by aiai2503
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic C
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic C
posted by soniclover300
 So called "Rosetta" help me find out if she is real
So called "Rosetta" help me find out if she is real
こんにちは guys,
just wondering if あなた have any info on season 4, I was on : link ta_the_Seedrian, and they 発言しました there will be a 4th season of sonic x and it will have Cosmo's daughter but the background info sounds rather familliar.... Cosmo's story is the exat same if あなた check out hers aswell, very mysterious. So I am just wondering if anyone knows any vital info eg: roumors, pictures, plot, synopsis ect.... Also any info on Cosmic Galaxy, they have their watermark in Rosetta's picture and if I know about them I can find out if she is real.
 Cosmo, definate hero, posible mother
Cosmo, definate hero, posible mother
 Tails, our fluffy furry freind, posible father
Tails, our fluffy furry freind, posible father
 Is sonic am uncle (not to kirby but Rosetta)
Is sonic am uncle (not to kirby but Rosetta)
added by ShadazeFIRE
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by sonicgp
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Evolia-Wulf, Sonic X
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X
added by miligurl012
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic C
added by miligurl012
added by miligurl012
added by RealCosmic
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic C
posted by Hellowittykitty
Hi, Hellowittykitty here, signing off! I've just joined Cosmo the Seedrian's club. *applause* and I just wanna know, does she 愛 Tails, and do they end up together? But my possible theory is yes. I dunno why I think this, but I believe that she showed signs in Sonic X ( I don't watch that show, my sister watches it but I like it! ^_^) that she likes him. Also, a picture on Deviantart showed that she was hugging Tails because she was scared または something close to that. I like Cosmo, but sometimes I see her as a bit too princessy, as if she wants everyone to protect her while she sits back and...
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added by aiai2503