
CoralinexWybie 質問

Do あなた think that Coraline Likes Wybie または does wybie likes Coraline?? または maybie,they both like eachother???

Yes または no
CoralineRocks posted 1年以上前
idk . . .
AprilM290 posted 1年以上前
 CoralineRocks posted 1年以上前
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CoralinexWybie 回答

yiya said:
yes i belive wybie likes coraline but coraline really starts liking wybie at the end of the story because shes realy もっと見る focust on the house and the other mother.
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 yes i belive wybie likes coraline but coraline really starts liking wybie at the end of the story because shes realy もっと見る focust on the house and the other mother.
posted 1年以上前 
jennyithere4 said:
Yes, they like each other
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posted 1年以上前 
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