Colors(色) Club
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posted by bucherstrongest
 yeah I like this one
yeah I like this one
Green. Actually it is my お気に入り color, because it reminds me of beautiful fields, trees, and happiness. It is not a primary color, but is created out of a mixture of yellow and blue, または yellow and cryan.

Everything can be green, like butterflies, clothes, cars, books, houses, rooms, apples, stars, または hair? O_o make over (or what the hell is that) and other different stuff.

The world is full of different pretty colors, blue is color of peace, red is color of death and blood, yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy, white brings out your neutrality, ピンク brings あなた romance, black invotes...
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posted by Bear_Jew
 THis is my muther
THis is my muther
As a ファン of life, i know lobotomies can be hard to read, but personally i think we should a would be happy. I am currently doing a PHD in working in high places. It is fun and all my work フレンズ are of Mexican descent, as am I. My name is Pedro El'Mehican, and i was born in Uganda, but my father was Mexican. I thank yu for readin my lobotomy. I have 豆 struggling with lif recently, as my mother has Myxomatosis. the doctorz say she hasnt got long left, but they also 発言しました that she lived a long and great life, as rabbits dont usualy live to the age of 62.

My lobotomy is about how 動物 shouln't be restricted によって race, but should have inter-racial relationships like humans. It would be economicaly better if crodiles and Meerkats coukd have 赤ちゃん and this way everyone could be friends. Please let me on americans idol.

You're truley
Pedro El'Mehicano
 I am a pastafarian
I am a pastafarian