Codename: Kids 次 Door Club
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Before we can get to the story, I think あなた might need to know this:
If あなた didn't get the "Entrance to Hell is によって the Hollywood sign' joke I shall explain. So, I recently read the book 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians'. And in the book, they have to go to the アンダーワールド to talk to Hades. And of course, the entrance is 次 to the Hollywood sign.
I thought that was a little funny, so I included it in my story.
If あなた are not OK with the word 'hell', leave this story right now. Because I say it in here a bunch.
Just thought I'd get that out.
Now, to the story:
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The note passing 日 turned into the note passing night. Kuki’s last note was slipped under Wally’s door. He picked it up and read it.
Dear Wally,
    Are あなた sure? I mean, Sing-A-Song is in a week, and I haven’t even come up with my song! Well, that’s OK. We can talk like this every day! But, it’s getting late and I’m tired. I bet even Kacey’s asleep.
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"I hate television." Kuki said. She had just watched the season finale of 'Rainbow Monkeys Adventure' and they just killed off one of her お気に入り characters.
"Wow, this 表示する just wants to get like 'Lost'." Kacey said. Kiki nodded. 'Lost' was a strange 表示する that killed off a ton of characters, had weird flash forwards, flash backs, and flash sideways', and made no sense. Yet, it was really popular. Kuki just began to bawl.
"C'mon Kuki." Wally said. "It's not that bad."
"He's right," Megan began. "It's a fictional character." And just like that, the alarm went off.
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They were only 2 Hours away from Final Destination.
"Hoagie, quit 読書 off of the GPS." Megan said.
"When are we getting there?" Maddy asked.
"In 2 Hours." Hoagie said.
"She means what time!" David said.
"Oh, 4:00." Hoagie said.
"UGH! I hate waiting!" Minerva said. She threw a tantrum. Val just scoffed.
"It's 2 Hours!" Val said. "Now I'm in range distance. I could just pop there if I wanted to." Then, Val's eyes widened. She lifted her cape. Christian jumped. But he landed right on the spot where Val was. She was gone.
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There was a ton of work to be done before ANYONE could play outside. The Smiths had a wonderful backyard. Kacey couldn't wait to play tackle football with カケス, ジェイ and Wally. It would be pandemonium for the boys, and fun for Kacey. But since there's a ton of wind, EVERYONE had to do shovel work.
"It's not our fricken house. Why should we do work?" Wally complained.
"Because!" カケス, ジェイ shouted. "My Mom 発言しました because あなた broke my RC Car あなた have to do work." Wally looked at him weird.
"You're an idiot." Wally said. "You still have to do work too." カケス, ジェイ stuck out his tongue and worked. Kacey was done in...
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 Wally's changing process (I did not draw this pic)
Wally's changing process (I did not draw this pic)
Everyone’s jobs were done. The decorations were up. The 食 was laid out. The 音楽 was picked. The party favors were hidden. Everything looked great. Except for one thing. The guests hadn’t arrived.
“Oh come on!” Kiki yelled. She stomped on the floor. She, Megan, and Kacey didn’t have dates. They were going as a group. Yet, Kiki was mad. No guests meant no ice cream.
“Hmm… maybe they’re late?” Megan asked.
“If they were late, SOME kids would’ve shown up.” Kacey said. She checked her watch. 20 分 later, every guest showed up.
“UM?” Abby asked.
“We stopped...
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"Yes! It's mine! It's all mine!" Marco exclaimed. He danced around happily. Mariah sighed.
"Sir, they're just kids." Mariah said.
"That's exactly why I extracted the Quantonium!" Marco yelped. "How can we allow a bunch of kids running around the world with Quantonium in their grasp? Exactly!"
Mariah sighed again. The kids looked tired. They just had one of the most powerful substances extracted from their bodies. She opened the chamber.
"You're free to go." Mariah said. "I hope あなた had a wonderful visit." Kacey was ready to give Mariah the finger. Kiki put her hand down. They left the ship's...
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 (from left to right) Numbuh 5 1/2, Numbuh 8, and Numbuh 4.1
(from left to right) Numbuh 5 1/2, Numbuh 8, and Numbuh 4.1
"You're kidding." Kacey sounded shocked.
Kiki shook her head. "I'm not kidding."
Kuki raised her hand.
"Don't あなた have to have a teaching degree to be a substitute?"
"Yeah, but from what I heard, the principal just grabbed him of the 通り, ストリート because his last name sounded scary enough to force us to behave."
Everyone gave her a strange look.
"Yeah, I don't get it either. ANYWAYS! Back to the story":

"We all froze....except Madison. She fainted. While You-know-who called the nurse, we all huddled.
Laura whispered, 'We must of done something REALLY bad, there's no way HE'D be here as a sub.' We all winced...
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The firey head started it's usal speech again, but the Scare カラス interupted.
"Oi, we got your cruddy broom, so give us our wishes!"
The head glared a him.
"Well we just did." 発言しました the Tin Girl evenly.
"NEVER!" the head yelled
Toto sniffed around. He had caught a scent that didn't really belong in a lair of evil Flowery perfume. He followed the scent to a far corner, where a curtain hung. Gripping th fabric with his smaal sharp teeth, he pulled it back. Sitting on a computer 机, デスク swivel chair, sat a girl with a yellow...
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Wally walked down the hall. カケス, ジェイ walked down the hall at the same time. They bumped into each other.
"Watch it, Beetles!" カケス, ジェイ said. カケス, ジェイ had a remote in his hand. Then, an RC Car came running through the house. It tripped Wally. "Ha! That'll teach ya to mess with カケス, ジェイ Smith!" Wally was fed up. He tackled Jay.
"Don't あなた test ME!" Wally shouted. He got カケス, ジェイ in a head lock. Kacey was heading to the キッチン but ended up in the middle of カケス, ジェイ and Wally's fight. They each had a bloody nose.
"Hey! Break it up!" Kacey yelled. Neither boy stopped. Kacey had no other choice than to tackle them both and get...
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After about 30 秒 of shivering and whispers, Richard looked around.
"You guys gonna do anything または what?" Richard asked.
"Y- y- yeah we are!" Kacey said. She pulled out a S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R. Richard scoffed.
"Oh! I'm so scared!" Richard teased. "Or, I would be if I didn't have a giant paperclip myself!" Everyone's eyes bulged.
"How did HE get a S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R.?" Kacey screamed. She turned to her cousin.
"Heh heh, funny story...." Numbuh 4 began. "Well, it was in my bag and they took my bag." Everyone turned to him. They all growled.
"Don't worry, guys!" Numbuh 2 said. He grabbed his bag...
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It was a happy 日 for all of the KND. Not because it was Numbuh 362's big birthday bash (that wasn't for another 3 months). Not because they had finally defeated the Delightful Children once and for all (not によって a long shot). It was the 日 of the Cadets 次 Door graduation ceremony. Kacey (Numbuh 7) and Megan (Numbuh 1000) impaitently waited for the ceremony to ラップ up. With great ceremonies comes a great after-party...well, that AND Megan felt she should apoligize to her little sister for embarassing her during her induction (When she was called up to the code module, Megan began cheering:...
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Numbuh 86 groaned. There was too much work to be done. She shoved her picture of Wally to the side. She stared at it for a second. The 秒 became a minute. She had had a crush on Wally for as long as he’s joined the KND. Numbuh 86 had an idea. She rushed through the file cabinet. She grabbed the one with the ‘Sing-A-Song’ winners of 2010. She read off the first few. Sector F, Sector T, Sector W, Sector H. Sector W? Numbuh 86 almost sprang from her seat. Then, she read more. Sector Q, Sector L, Sector V. Numbuh 86 screamed. She looked around. It was 2:00 in the morning. Of course no...
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"You sure about this Wally?" Kuki whispered. "Richard the Clown was ready to kill you. We don't want あなた to die!" Wally started blushing.
"Well, it's the best we've got. I'd rather not sit here for the rest of my life." Wally said. Kuki glanced at the staircase.
"Alright," Kuki began, "It's your funeral." Wally began hopping over to the staircase. Then Richard came from out of nowhere. Wally stopped hopping.
"Mitchell! Valerie! Get in here, NOW!" Richard shouted. Mitchell and Valerie were arguing. Richard punched Mitchell. Mitchell cleared his throat.
"So, Wallabee," Mitchell began. Wally and...
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"KACEY!" Wally screamed. "Where's my bag? I NEED MY BAG!" Kuki looked at Wally weird. Abby thought nothing of it. Wally kept reaching down for his bag that wasn't there.
Kacey tried her best to calm him down. "Wally! Calm down, maybe あなた didn't zi-"
"WHO CARES THAT I DIDN'T ZIP IT UP?" He yelled. "I NEED MY BAG!" The Clown came over. He had and angry look on his face.
"You children need to leave now!" The clown 発言しました motioning them to get off. "The 次 kids are coming and I need あなた all to 移動する along!" Wally freaked out and hid behind Kacey.
"Listen あなた fag, my cousin here ロスト his back pack...
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"I wanna play 'Rainbow Monkeys'!" Mushi whined.
"I wanna go to the park!" Tommy cried.
"I want a balloon!" Val barked.
"Ah Bah Bah Bah Bah!" Joey babbled.
Kiki panicked a little. She never had been bombarded with complaints like that.
She fiddled with her fingers.
"Ok, guys. One at a time! Hmm....Mushi, Kuki won't let me touch her Monkeys without permission..."
Mushi threw herself on the floor and threw a tantrum. Val rolled her eyes; she could be a bit of a baby, but not THAT much of one.
"Tommy, It's too dark to go to the park..."
He crossed his arms and pouted.
"Val, Like I said, it's too dark to...
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The 次 morning, Kiki got up at the crack of dawn. She got on the computer and opened Fanpop, and Facebook. または course no one was on. So Kiki decided to mess with her younger brother, Chris.
"Chriiiiiiiiiis," Kiki 発言しました into Chris's ear while he was lying in bed. Chris didn't flinch. "Darn." Kiki muttered.
Then, one of the kittens, Pecan, peered from underneath Chris's covers. Kiki jumped back.
"Pecan? Sleeping with Chris is a no-no!" Kiki whispered. She lifted up ピーカン and brought him into her room. She chased him around the room for a bit, until he out-ran her.
Then, Kiki got a CRAZY idea....
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The 日 was normal, Kacey, Raleigh, (Numbuh 16) David, and Christian were all hanging out on the fence によって the tree-house.
If you're wondering why David screamed, it's because he saw a squirrel, threw a pebble at it, and missed.
"Dude, it's not the end of the world." Raleigh said.
"Says the girl who has major spaz attacks during class." David argued.
"You're not even IN my class!" Raleigh said.
"Hey, he's not lying." Kacey said.
None of them noticed, but Christian had left.
"Shut up." Raleigh told them.
"Wait, where'd Christian go?" David asked.
All three turned to see Christian walking...
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"were あなた listening? i mean common man! dude あなた suck for this!!!" kuki was still REALLY mad at numbuh 2 for not wanting to prank people just because she was there "just shut up already! あなた yelled at me through the whole night I'm not even exaggerating!!! it's now 7 o' clock time for school!!!" numbuh 2 had been never to patient but he really try's when it came to numbuh 3 just so he wouldn't get his but kicked によって his buddy he knew that he would do any thing for her even if it meant killing him "guys it's time to go grab your back packs and ホーム work and lets leave!!!!!" numbuh 5 had heard...
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"If あなた shove me again, I'll spank the crap out of you!"
"SHUT UP!!!"
Sectors V, Q, and David and Christian of SV had all gathered in Sector V's S.C.A.M.P.E.R. It was a long ride from Arizona to Texas, but hey, what're フレンズ for?
"If あなた guys don't stop fighting, I will turn this thing around!" Hoagie screamed. Minerva stuck her tongue out and shoved Val again.
"Hey!" Val yelled. "I warned you!" Val leaped toward Minerva. But Minerva, like her father, was quick and moved away before Val could spank her. Kiki had enough.
"Alright guys, this is MY mission and I can shove all of you...
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