Cleo Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Cleo 1年以上前 by rickie4you
a wallpaper 追加されました: Phoebe Tonkin 1年以上前 by Stya
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your お気に入り character she plays 1年以上前 by cleorox64
a poll 追加されました: Who is your お気に入り character she plays 1年以上前 by cleorox64
an answer was added to this question: did u like her in season 3?? 1年以上前 by cleorox64
an icon 追加されました: Cleo and Ronnie 1年以上前 by mermaidfish
an answer was added to this question: did u like her in season 3?? 1年以上前 by adora9
an answer was added to this question: do u love her? 1年以上前 by H2O_is_awesome
a poll 追加されました: Is Cleo the Coolest mermaid??? 1年以上前 by H2O_is_awesome
a photo 追加されました: cleo 1年以上前 by H2ofanforever
a comment was made to the photo: Cleo 1年以上前 by H2ofanforever
an answer was added to this question: do u love her? 1年以上前 by H2ofanforever
a comment was made to the poll: is she cool? 1年以上前 by xGinnyWeasleyx
a comment was made to the photo: Cleo 1年以上前 by unicorn18032
a question 追加されました: did u like her in season 3?? 1年以上前 by aya3
a question 追加されました: do u love her? 1年以上前 by aya3