Claude Faustus Club
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added by Hidan71
"Yes, your Highness."
"Day into night, sugar into salt, living to dead, and dark blue into gold. Thats what makes a Trancy butler."
(To Alois) "I am your loyal servant. Even if あなた do not try to attract my attention, I want to greedily devour あなた to the very end."
(To the suitcase Sebastian was carrying) "Is that suitcase もっと見る important than your life?"
(To Sebastian) "To touch something that is meant to transport 食 with one's shoes is a disgrace for a butler!"
"Master.. I will always stay によって your side. 日 and night, sugar and salt, living and dead, impure and pure."
(Teasing Sebastian's line)...
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added by Hidan71
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Zuzuupetal
Source: Artists, アニメ Artists
added by Zuzuupetal
Source: Artists, アニメ Artists
added by Zuzuupetal
Source: Artists, and Official アニメ Artists
added by Zuzuupetal
Source: Artists, アニメ Artists
added by Hidan71
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by LOLerz25
Source: Image Provided By: 黒執事 Wikia
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by EmoSasuSaku
added by Zuzuupetal
Source: Artists, アニメ Artists
added by classicwolfie45
Source: credit goes to Google 画像