big time rush meets the vampire diaries is the vampire diaries with big time rush chacters in.
the frist episode will be coming though the week.
i dont have a name for it yet so plz commet and i will pick the best one.
good luck.
here are the charcters names and a bit about them.
Kendall Knight-is the new student at high school.
Logan Knight-is also the new guy in town with Kendall.
Katie Diamond-the girl whos parentd died and has to live wuth there aunt.
Beth Basford-Katies best friend.
Lexie Roe-the other friend that あなた are フレンズ on and off with.
James Diamond-the brother of Katie and will not get over his parents.
the frist episode will be coming though the week.
i dont have a name for it yet so plz commet and i will pick the best one.
good luck.
here are the charcters names and a bit about them.
Kendall Knight-is the new student at high school.
Logan Knight-is also the new guy in town with Kendall.
Katie Diamond-the girl whos parentd died and has to live wuth there aunt.
Beth Basford-Katies best friend.
Lexie Roe-the other friend that あなた are フレンズ on and off with.
James Diamond-the brother of Katie and will not get over his parents.
次 saturday at 9:00 a.m big time auditoin is 表示中 on nicktoons.its about four best フレンズ playing hockey in minasota and gustavo comes to minesota to find the 次 big thing and the boys are watching tv and the tv 発言しました do あなた want to be famous and their like yah and they auditouned but gustovo doesnt like james logan または carlos so kendall claims gustovo is a giant turd and gustovos like こんにちは blonde hair tall eyebrows do あなた want to become famous kendall 発言しました only if james logan and carlos could come and gustovo at first 発言しました no but he changed his mind and all four became famous.