アバター :コラの伝説 Club
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added by zanhar1
added by makorra21
Source: tumblr
added by princessAries
added by korra202
added by lord1bobos
added by lord1bobos
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by zanhar1
Source: tumblr None belong to me
added by zanhar1
Source: earth-empress-kuvira
added by zanhar1
Source: toghaFollow
added by LLheart
added by princessAries
added by lord1bobos
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by LLheart
added by LLheart
added by Magicalgirl12
added by lord1bobos
I was 読書 zanhar1's 記事 link and one thing she 発言しました really popped out at me. Here's the quote:

"The main reason as to why I think TLOK gets so much hate is because ATLA was such a great 表示する that によって comparison, Korra just doesn't stand a chance. I mean アバター was a masterpiece with unbeatable and lovable characters (to the point where one can even 愛 the character they hated to some degree!) and a wicked plot. With that in mind I think people set their standards too high. They were expecting something that would blow アバター away または at least match up with the show. And when Korra was...
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added by LLheart