Against Animal Cruelty! Club
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added by Pupchik
added by テディベア64
An Unpublished Lennox Family Interview
By Save Lennox On November 26, 2010

We have all read によって now the many newspaper, magazine and various other publications over the months and also heard many radio and internet broadcasts regarding Lennox and the damage caused to this Family and especially the Families young Daughter Brooke since Lennox’s cruel and wrongful seizure によって Belfast City Council, but recently the Family gave an in-depth interview to a leading magazine and unfortunately due to unavoidable deadlines and editorial 宇宙 granted for the 記事 the full interview was not published....
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added by Helen-Lover
added by テディベア64
added by Cammie
posted by IsidoraSmiley
Guys 動物 in Serbia need serious help!This guy who lives two houses away from mine just SHOT his German Shepherd! Because the dog was old and couldn't protect the house so good like he used to!Animal control, here in Serbia, really sucks! They put 動物 down 48 hours after they get to the shelter! And they don't even feed some 動物 so they can save money and if someone would ask why are イヌ and ネコ starving they say that 動物 are too sick and they are going to die so there's no point of feeding them(even if that was true it is soooo cruel!).Some people say that my friend's neighbor...
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added by テディベア64
added by テディベア64
added by darina25
posted by Ginnyweasly44
Animal have been treaded unfair all over the world!! It feels like no one care for them,I think it is a big problem in the world now.Animals don't have a voice of their own,I hope some 日 I can use my own voice to speak for them and help them stand up.
If not now when ? If not us who? thouse are some 質問 that came to my mind when I think about probvlem
What is animal cruelty?
Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse または animal neglect, is the infliction of suffeeing または harm upon non-human animals, for purposes other than self-defense. もっと見る narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain,...
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posted by adavila
I am against animal cruelty but there are some things that I dont concider animal cruelty. Im gonna post the things that I think are real animal cruelty and the things I don´t think are animal cruelty (I know Im using way too much the animal cruelty phrase):

I´m against (concider animal cruelty):

Dog fighting
Cock fighting
Bull fighting
Killing 動物 for fun
Using 動物 for military purposes (only when they are meant to die like dolphins)
not socializing dogs
hitting animals
hunting (fishing) 動物 for fun (sports)
using 動物 in the movie industry
owning exotic 動物 (except some reptiles)...
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posted by twinklestar11
people are so mean to dogs. lots of people kill イヌ for meat. that is so cruel. people give イヌ so little of 食 and not a lot of 宇宙 for them to run. people hang イヌ till they are dead. that is mean! i 愛 イヌ and other people 愛 then too! what do people think they are when they kill dogs!?! it is just so mean and cruel! who knows how many イヌ people kill each day, mouths, and years! people should never never never kill a dog! it is just so mean and cruel! it should be a law that NO ONE can change! it should be PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER KILL ANY ANIMAL! CATS, DOGS, FISH, WE SHAW NEVER KILL THEM! and if someone kills any maniacal, they should get arrested! i hate to see イヌ die, または any animal die. it is sad, mean, and cruel to kill dogs! people should stop it right away! also people make them aggressive before they kill them! SO MEAN!
posted by Kibahina96
A tan deaf 3 年 old pit-bull with a ハート, 心 shaped alpha mark saves infant baby. She was able to feed the baby. 6 miles from Toronto Canada. Pit-bull Rescue watched baby to see what would happen Amazingly it managed to sense baby crying and give it a bottle !!! When the team approached slowly the pit-bull started unknowingly and approached the team. Soon letting them pick up and feed the baby. She walked up to the team wagging her tail. They both fought together never giving up helping inspire each other whenever needed !!!
added by LalaDeb