Adam Milligan Club
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added by ForsakenMoon19
added by laurine03
This is the sequel to Resurrection, and it's just getting started, so アップデート might be a little slow for right now. But I'll do my best.


    Things Past

Three days later . . .

    Adam stood in front of the lone mirror in the bathroom perplexed によって the scar over the left side of his abdomen. It wasn't just any scar, and even though he was the only one who knew that, the fact that it was there confused him. He figured it was because it had to be there, but then why let him live? Why had he survived with nothing but a scar to show...
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added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by LoganLermanGurl
added by LoganLermanGurl
added by LoganLermanGurl
added by LoganLermanGurl
added by LoganLermanGurl
posted by ForsakenMoon19
Seriously, what's with the majority of SPN ファン hating on Adam so much? I often ask this 質問 on most スーパーナチュラル sites and still no one can give me a good enough answer.

He's a very interesting character that deserves the opportunity to grow as has every other character before him: Bobby, Castiel, Ellen & Jo etc!!! Ever since the moment when Kripke announced there would be a 3rd Winchester brother, I was very sceptic about the idea. But when the appropriately named episode “Jump the Shark” first aired I was completely on the edge of my シート, 座席 with Sam and Dean. Not even 10 minutes...
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Chapter 10

(Warning: this chapter contains scenes of violence and course language)

Sam and Dean hurried through the back entrance, duffels filled with equipment slung over their backs, of the hospital and sealing it shut behind them in case anything tried to escape. As far as they were concerned the only people leaving this place alive were the two young women they came for, namely Kay Forster the empathic mechanic.

While Dean pumped his shotgun, securing the area, Sam was busy reloading his マグナム after taking out 5 undead cannibals on the stairs. Another inch closer to those teeth and Dean...
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added by Dean-girlx
added by Dean-girlx
Heavenly Host cont'd

    "Dean, that's crazy," Sam exclaimed as he, Dean and Adam all sat around Bobby's front room after having heard Dean's plan. "There's absolutely no guarantee that'll work, and we don't really know for sure that's where Mary is. Why take the risk?"

    "Because we're running out of time," Dean 発言しました plainly. "And with Michael being here, it only means this is もっと見る serious than we thought. I know I wasn't very enthusiastic with this idea when あなた suggested it before, but we are the only ones who can keep Mary safe. And the longer...
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added by LoganLermanGurl
added by Rina_Smirnova