i need help my sis and I have been making a song but we need help She was a goth , He was a geek-----together they kicked 尻, お尻 at science (goes to tune of sk8ter boy) help with coments
投稿されました 1年以上前
We got quite a few good McAbby moments in season 7. もっと見る near the end of the season but the クリスマス ep in season 7 will make あなた smile as a McAbby fan=D1年以上前
Abby: (talking about McGee) I’ve had umm… problems with visitors, so he was just being overprotective. Neisler: Protective of what, your butt? He couldn’t stop checking it out when your back was turned. Abby: Really? Neisler: But I can see why you’d want to keep things casual. Abby: Why is that? Neisler: What if he was ‘the one’? You’re obviously married to your work, it’s too soon to meet ‘the one’. Abby: We’re done.