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Werewolf scene from 1988's horror film, "Waxwork"....
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by Starrox
posted by Lancelot8
 Stardust Werewolf of Creation
Stardust Werewolf of Creation
Everything is from the app Your Lupine Life.

At the beginning of time, Sirius the 狼, オオカミ 星, つ星 became enraged when he was not invited to attend a council on How The Earth Should Be Made. So he sent a 狼, オオカミ to steal the first humans before they could be released from the whirlwind bag of The Storm That Comes Out of the West.

Unfortunately, Sirius dropped the bag and the humans spilled out and fought for their lives. When the 星, つ星 狼, オオカミ tried to round them up, the humans ran and all of them got away okay, except one. One human received a vicious bite from Sirius, the Dog Star.

The human survived but...
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posted by Lancelot8
 A Cursed Lycaon Prince
A Cursed Lycaon Prince
Everything is from the app Your Lupine Life.

In a bad mood again! the god Zeus decided to pay a surprise visit to some human royalty in 1200-800 BCE. Unfortunately King Lycaon, of Arcadia, was in no mood to host an angry god so he made a plan to kill Zeus in his sleep.

That’s where the story gets muddy. The only agreed facts that follow are:

a) Somebody died, possibly a child, who definitely wasn’t Zeus and possibly got cooked into a human stew.

b) Zeus didn’t like his 晩餐, 夕食 that night and got really mad.

So Zeus turned the King and his 50 sons all into オオカミ and then hunted them down with...
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added by SentinelPrime89
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by Beast72
added by Beast72
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: horroredits @ tumblr
added by Psychoslasher
Source: Universal Pictures
Ever since I could remember,
Everything inside of me,
Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh)
I was never one for pretenders,
Everything I tried to be,
Just wouldn't settle in (oh oh oh oh)

If I told あなた what I was,
Would あなた turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would あなた be scared?
I get the feeling just because,
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me,
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.

Can I clear my conscience,
If I'm different...
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posted by Lancelot8
 The Loopy Lycan of Xolotl
The Loopy Lycan of Xolotl
Everything is from the app Your Lupine Life.

In Mexico around 900 CE, Xolotl was the awkward, less 人気 wolf-headed twin brother of the god Quetzalcoatl.

Xolotl was a wolf-headed shapeshifter. His job was bodyguard to the sun which means he had to escort the sun every night when it set, and protect it through the dangerous アンダーワールド so that it could rise again the 次 morning.

To protect the sun, he had to shape-shift into the 狼, オオカミ star, Sirius, every day. It was very tiring but important work and sometimes after a hard day’s work, Xolotl got confused about his transformations back again....
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posted by Lancelot8
 The Clan Alta 狼男 of County Meath
The Clan Alta Werewolves of County Meath
Everything is from the app Your Lupine Life.

In the 6th Century a saint became very annoyed with a certain clan in County Meath, Ireland.

The reasons for his annoyance are ロスト but the curse was this: two によって two, each member of Clan Allta must take the form of a 狼, オオカミ for seven years. After seven years if they survived in the wild, then they could regain their human form but two もっと見る members of the clan must take their place in the wild.

Descendants of the original Clan Allta born during the cursed years inherited this seven-year werewolf curse. Religious records 表示する they searched hundreds of...
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posted by Lancelot8
 The Black オオカミ of Krishna
The Black Wolves of Krishna
Everything is from the app Your Lupine Life.

Krishna himself made from a black body hair of Vishnu, could use his own magic black hair to summon a pack of black wolves.

Research is continuing into the matter. If あなた know something about these werewolves, please leave a message.

Yeah there's not much on this one. I thought there'd be もっと見る but I guess the history is kind of sketchy. Um, this isn't much of an 記事 but what are ya gonna do right? Don't really answer all this. I'm being very stupid.
added by partypunk13
added by blackrose294
added by bradyrichie