テイラー・スウィフト#Music is my shining light, my favorite thing in the world. To get me to stop doing it for one second would be difficult! お気に入り Lyric Contest 2! (different from the other one) Round 2

demifan4evr posted on Dec 10, 2010 at 08:10PM
I just came up with this idea and want to test it out... Haha Okay the rules:

The topic will be a WORD! Not a song! You have to submit a lyric from one of Taylor's songs with the word of the round.

1st place: 10 props
2nd: 7 props
3rd: 5 props
everybody: 1 for entering
The winner will choose the next word

Round 1: Shine

Round 2: Night

Prop counter:
chameron4ever: 11 props
bubbles4u22: 8 props
Anichu90v2: 6 props
lauracullen66: 1 prop
Dada: 1 prop
last edited on Dec 23, 2010 at 06:44PM

テイラー・スウィフト#Music is my shining light, my favorite thing in the world. To get me to stop doing it for one second would be difficult! 12 返信

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1年以上前 lauracullen66 said…
and everytime you shine, i'll shine for you
1年以上前 bubbles4u22 said…
"Tell them how the crowds went wild. Tell them how I hope they shine"- Long Live
1年以上前 Dada said…
"And I love you for giving me your eyes / For staying back and watching me shine." - The Best Day

Great idea by the way.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 chameron4ever said…
"people throw rocks to things that shine"-ours
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Anichu90v2 said…
He said the way my blue eyes shine put those Georgia stars to shame that night, I said: "That's a lie." - Tim McGraw
1年以上前 demifan4evr said…
"You used to shine so bright but I watched all of it fade"- You're Not Sorry

Sorry I've been gone guys... Grounded haha but not as long as I expected!! Lol I'll post the pick right now!! :)
1年以上前 Anichu90v2 said…
chameron4ever replied with the new word in my contest, this is what she said:

alright I choose the word "night"

"long were the nights when the days once revolved around you"-
dear john
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Anichu90v2 said…
My line: "This night is flawless, don't you let it go" - Enchanted
1年以上前 bubbles4u22 said…
"There's some things you can't speak of but at night you'll live it all again"- Innocent
1年以上前 demifan4evr said…
"Flash-back to the night when you said to me, 'Nothing's gonna change, not for me and you' Not before I knew how much I had to lose"- If this was a movie. I said the same on my icon contest. My internet's down and I'm on my phone so can someone post the pick for me? Please and thank you!! :)
1年以上前 chameron4ever said…
@demifan4evr no problem I've just made the pick
1年以上前 bubbles4u22 said…
K, demifan4evr officially dropped off the face of the planet. Well... the fanpop planet... so uhh I'm taking over both of her contests. Here's the link for the new forum for this: <link>