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What Eメール Function Are You?



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isabellam said:
You Are Reply

You are friendly, caring, and warm. What goes on in your friends' lives matters to you.
You are an excellent listener, and you give good advice. Lots of people seek your input, and you're more than happy to give it.

You believe that social ties are important, and you never ignore a friend. You communicate as often as possible with those you love.
You always have words of encouragement, support, or follow up questions. You are gifted at keeping the conversation flowing.
posted 1年以上前.
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xangelx said:
You are Spam
You are disciplined, justice oriented, and a bit picky. You set standards in your life, and you expect other people to follow them.
You're very honest... sometimes brutally so. You're not afraid to call a spade a spade.

You're also the first to call someone out for doing something shady. You don't like it when someone takes advantage of other people.
You always try to do the right thing in your life, and you make sure others are being treated fairly. You're sometimes annoyed, but that's the price you pay for being vigilant.
posted 1年以上前.
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lucy32 said:
You Are Delete
You are busy, no nonsense, and super productive. You don't have time for distractions in your life.
If something bothers you or upsets you, you try to get it out of your mind as quickly as possible.

You've been known for dropping conversations, friends, and even jobs that are toxic to you. You have no problem letting go.
You look to the future and don't hold on to the past. In your opinion, the past often ties you down... and you'd like to be as free as possible.
posted 1年以上前.
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You Are Archive
You are competent, organized, and careful. You know how to stay on task and focus on the most important thing.
You like to have everything in its place. Messes and chaos completely stress you out.

You have a system for almost everything in your life, and you don't like to deviate from it.
Calendars, routines, and having things in a certain order keeps you calm. You don't like to shake things up too much.
posted 1年以上前.
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You are Spam
You are disciplined, justice oriented, and a bit picky. You set standards in your life, and you expect other people to follow them.
You're very honest... sometimes brutally so. You're not afraid to call a spade a spade.

You're also the first to call someone out for doing something shady. You don't like it when someone takes advantage of other people.
You always try to do the right thing in your life, and you make sure others are being treated fairly. You're sometimes annoyed, but that's the price you pay for being vigilant.
posted 1年以上前.
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You Are Delete
You are busy, no nonsense, and super productive. You don't have time for distractions in your life.
If something bothers you or upsets you, you try to get it out of your mind as quickly as possible.

You've been known for dropping conversations, friends, and even jobs that are toxic to you. You have no problem letting go.
You look to the future and don't hold on to the past. In your opinion, the past often ties you down... and you'd like to be as free as possible.

(That's me alright )
posted 1年以上前.
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You are Spam
You are disciplined, justice oriented, and a bit picky. You set standards in your life, and you expect other people to follow them.
You're very honest... sometimes brutally so. You're not afraid to call a spade a spade.

You're also the first to call someone out for doing something shady. You don't like it when someone takes advantage of other people.
You always try to do the right thing in your life, and you make sure others are being treated fairly. You're sometimes annoyed, but that's the price you pay for being vigilant.

somewhat, yeah
posted 1年以上前.
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You Are Reply

You are friendly, caring, and warm. What goes on in your friends' lives matters to you.
You are an excellent listener, and you give good advice. Lots of people seek your input, and you're more than happy to give it.

You believe that social ties are important, and you never ignore a friend. You communicate as often as possible with those you love.
You always have words of encouragement, support, or follow up questions. You are gifted at keeping the conversation flowing.
posted 1年以上前.