Why do あなた like Itachi? does sasuke m0re cute than itachi??

Itachi または sasuke?
and why?

Sasuke is d best..
SaphyAdidas posted 1年以上前
No Itachi Is the Best
lawliet5097 posted 1年以上前
It's okay.,,
SaphyAdidas posted 1年以上前
 SaphyAdidas posted 1年以上前
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itachi 回答

Cairiaye-Kazami said:
Well, Itachi is clearly stonger than sasuke and he is(I used to think he was)a bad boy. That's a good look!
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posted 1年以上前 
,,but itachi has die,,he killed によって sasuke.,, ^_^
SaphyAdidas posted 1年以上前
temari7 said:
sasuke is もっと見る cute than itachi
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 sasuke is もっと見る cute than itachi
posted 1年以上前 
itachi05 said:
itachi and coz not juat coz his cute coz of him i didet kill my silf
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posted 1年以上前 
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