
デイズ・オブ・アワ・ライブス 質問

How did Steve get the patch? What injury did he sustain?

i'm so so upset that they killed will off,really pissed
sandijon posted 1年以上前
 BlondeGirl93 posted 1年以上前
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デイズ・オブ・アワ・ライブス 回答

sandijon said:
bo brady and patch got in bad fight over a woman named britta , sad but true but it happened years ago, when patch was in the merchant marines.bo and steve fell for the same woman which was a spy.and bo and patch even got タトゥー thinking they were bonded, only to find out they were secret messages for britta ,they were best of フレンズ before that,,im glad they are フレンズ now.
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posted 1年以上前 
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