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In Entertainment- Is Thomas Gibson leaving Criminal Minds?- 記事 from May 21, 2009



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I vote that nobody leaves the show!! XO!!
after Gideon leaving, I don't think it would be a wise decision to let another cast member go!!
posted 1年以上前.
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Celina79 said:
Yes, I agree with you. First, a few month ago, when those rumours came up,I was really scared, that Thomas Gibson might leave the show. But after I red the letter he wrote to the Fans, i'm a bit more positive than before.
I think he wont leave the show, I mean if he would, the show would be ruined. They really cant do that!
In my opinion, they want us to be scared again til september, as always in season finales. So, I stay positive, that he wont leave the show! :) (positive thinking program)
posted 1年以上前.
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xellga said:
What I'm starting to hate about the situation is that, as someone pointed out in the comments to the article, all the rumors come from the fans. I mean, what kind of reliable source is LiveJournal? And now they've got us all on edge and biting our nails to the elbows. With no real news coming from the network it's just soooo frustrating. :[

But I agree with you, Colette, the letter from TG was really reassuring. He promised to stay for many more seasons to come and I see no reason not to believe him. :)
posted 1年以上前.
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Celina79 said:
Helga, you are right, I hate that as well. And I didn't want to put up the article, to say, that I like that the people make those rumours. I just wanted to show it to you, because its also said that there is a season 5, and because of the scary finale and what people think about it.
So, maybe It would have been better not to post it here...
posted 1年以上前.
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xellga said:
Oh no, Colette, I didn't mean it as a reproach to you, it's all about the article's author. I've seen it right after it was published and didn't care about it even back then. It's just so cruel of him (or her?) to us fans to spread those rumors without really having any news to add.

But you're right to publish it here. :) It's about CM so here it comes - and we get to discuss it. *hugs* :)
posted 1年以上前.
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Celina79 said:
No Helga, thats ok, really! I'm happy when we can discuss those things here. :)
I was just not sure anymore, if it was good to post the article.
But well, you are right its about CM, so its ok.
posted 1年以上前.
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suu said:
You almost gave me an heart attack!
Instead of reading "Is Thomas Gibson leaving CM?", I read "Thomas Gibson is leaving CM".
I was like, OMG, OMG!!

Anyway, I don't think he's leaving either. It's just rumours and we all know that they're almost never true.
I agree with you, Colette, they just want us 'scared' and make it more painful having to wait the entire summer to find out if it's true or not.
posted 1年以上前.
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Celina79 said:
OOOOOW nooooo, no heart attack!! *is going to Susana and checks, if she's well now*. ;)

posted 1年以上前.
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sue890 said:
iwish they will tell us if its true or not.if it is true the show will go down the drain
posted 1年以上前.