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Before Luetsun could say anything, Anna said, “ these are オオカミ who wish to commit their lives to Annakkuu.
They spend time in his presence and act as temporary thanes in his court. This process can take up to 200 years, but if あなた do go to him now and then, it does slow down the aging process.”

This caught Luetsun’s ear and he started to walk towards them. Before he could get to them,
Anna stopped him and said, “ oh no, I know what you’re thinking, brother, あなた need a reason to stand before the great drake.”
Just then, one of the lesser priests ran in and announced, “ Anna, we need an exorcism.”
Anna responded, “well then, lets have my brother handle it.”
Luetsun then interrupted saying “ hold on, why me?”
Anna responded, “you have もっと見る experience with demons than I do, plus, I do remember teaching あなた about exorcisms, あなた did pay attention, did you?”
Luetsun broke eye contact, signifying that he didn't pay much attention. Anna said, “ well then, あなた will need a strong wolf, to hold the possessed down. They will try to fight, but あなた must stay strong with Annakkuu. あなた will also need 3 sticks, the sign of Annakkuu renders demons weak. あなた will also need either a copy of the word または memory of it. あなた do remember it, do you?”
Luetsun nodded, and Anna continued, “ then, あなた will need to recite a psalm, after arranging the sticks in an A formation and howling the prayer song of Annakkuu.”
Luetsun then bid his sister farewell, rushed to Rufus, woke him and said, “ we’ve got a possession.”
Rufus asked, “ why couldn’t your sister have taken care of it?”
Luetsun answered, “she 発言しました I have もっと見る experience with demons.”
Rufus then jumped up and said, “ the demon will fall to Annakkuu.”

They then returned to the temple, asked the priest for directions, rushed to the location and 発言しました to one of the dens wolves, “we’re here for the possessed.”

She looked at them puzzlingly and Luetsun said, “ I know, we’re not priests, but we’re just as good.”
The 狼, オオカミ then led them into the デン and right away, they saw a young wolf, screaming in a disembodied way, and making quick, violent twitches. Luetsun, having a hint of fear, said, “ great drake.”
Rufus, however, had no fear at all, for he knew what it was like to possess someone. Luetsun then asked the family to leave, picked up some sticks, told Rufus to hold the pup down and arranged the sticks in an A formation. The demon looked at Luetsun with those reptilian eyes common among demons as he began howling. When he was done, he said, “ demon, what be your name?”
The demon answered, “ worm, I am nestik, one of the legionnaires of the lord of Ne’ao.”
Luetsun responded, “ well then nestik, see him holding あなた from attacking? He was once one of your masters slaves, until I came. I know how to deal with this situation.”

He then began to say, “ Annakkuu, Annakkuu, tet khuu sfen kha Nuutu u Ne’ao, e tun Annakkuu.”
They waited and the demon began to laugh and said, “you fool, あなた think that psalm will do anything to me?”
Luetsun then leaned toward Rufus and whispered, “ now what?”
Rufus responded, “why not the prayer song of Annakkuu?”
Luetsun responded, “we could give it a try” and began howling the tune. They noticed the demon cringed every 秒 Luetsun howled the song and he kept howling until the demon shown the same agony as a prisoner at a thumbscrew. The demon begged for mercy, but Luetsun responded, “ do あなた realize that this is not your body?” and continued until the body’s pupils widened and regained color. Then, the body went limp and Rufus joked, “you killed the pup.”
Luetsun sarcastically responded, “very funny” and took a close look at the body. Suddenly, it hyperventilated for a couple 秒 and Luetsun drew back saying, “well, looks like Anna made the right choice to pick me.”
Rufus then growled and Luetsun said, “course I have to give some credit to あなた Rufus.”
The pup then looked around and said, “what’s going on? What happened?”
Luetsun answered, “you were possessed, but luckily, your mother knew just who to go to.”
He then went outside and announced, “Annakkuu’s work has been done.”
The pups mother then began thanking him and offered 1 jaw, their form of payment, and a reasonable amount. As tempting as it was, Luetsun politely declined saying, “I’m only doing this to serve Annakkuu, that and my sister told me to.” and they left for the river.
As expected, there was a group of omegas sitting at the banks. Just as Luetsun began to approach them, Rufus stopped him and said, “ what are あなた doing? We’re alphas, they’re omegas.”
Luetsun responded, “ open up, they do provide some interesting entertainment, and this ain’t the first era” went around Rufus and asked the omegas, “ so, what’s the latest gossip?”
One of them answered, “ they say that あなた conquered two demons.”
Luetsun responded, “ that’s no pup tale.”
They then sat silently for a moment until the omega said, “uh, that’s all.”
With that, Luetsun and Rufus left for the temple. Along the way, they heard a quiet conversation. They hid in the bushes and listened. What they heard was, “ they have enemies of the coyotes.
Really? Well this is something the boss has to know.
Hey, あなた know how these god-feeders made allies of the druids after we beat them last generation?
Yeah, why did あなた bring it up?
What do あなた we ally with the coyotes?
I don’t know, the coyotes and オオカミ have been enemies for years… well, might be worth a try.”
“ did あなた hear what I heard” Luetsun asked.
“ I did” Rufus responded.
Luetsun responded, “ this is something my father should know.”
Then, as he made for Fonso’s den, Rufus stopped him and asked, “ what if he takes it as a pup prank?”
Luetsun answered, “ he knows me, and he’s seen his share of spies in his day.” and continued to his fathers den.
When he arrived, he announced, “ father, there are spies among us.”
Fonso gave an unimpressed look and said, “ I figured, we’ve had a legion of them in our midst over the years.”
He then looked around, leaned toward Luetsun, and said, “ come, I have something to say, privately.”
He then called some soldiers, who ran over, fisted their left paws, and slammed them on their hearts, the Annakian salute. Fonso said, “ at ease” and the soldiers lowered their paws to the ground. Fonso then said, “ about face, forward” and the soldiers immediately turned toward his デン and marched toward it, along with the two alphas. When they got to the den, Fonso shouted, “ attention, command entrance” and the soldiers turned and planted themselves at the sides of the entrance. The two alphas then went inside and Fonso shouted, “ muffle” and the soldiers moved some debris on the entrance. Fonso then said, “ son, what did あなた hear from the spies?”
Luetsun answered, “ I heard that they were planning to ally with the coyotes.”
Fonso laughed and said, “ do they think it would be a walk in the meadow to do that? They do know that the オオカミ and coyotes have been enemies for centuries, ever since the first hungry coyote ate a wolfs pup, and now they think they would be able to ally? Ha!”
Then, suddenly, his tone darkened and he said, “ however, they are our enemies, both empires, and there is a chance of them allying. Listen, あなた need to stop any Stonic attempts to contact with Mexico and do away with any spies あなた find. They will be tricky, but あなた must be trickier. Remember this, real Annakians wait for relief before cutting a salute, as far as we know, the Stonics don’t know this yet. The Annakians should know of your rank, and if anyone salutes あなた and cuts before あなた relieve them, あなた must do away with them. Also, real Annakians put emphasis and use their ks as if they were using their khs, if anyone あなた encounter doesn’t put emphasis on that, あなた may want to keep an eye on them. To begin your mission, あなた may want to go south.”
Luetsun then sighed and said, “ well, time to get my 秒 taste of war.”
Fonso then shouted, “ demuffle” and the soldiers moved the debris away. He then said, “ relieved” and the soldiers went on their own way while Luetsun made for the temple. He saw Anna muttering in the Annakian language.
She then turned and nearly jumped when she saw Luetsun. She said, “ Luetsun! uh, how much of that did あなた hear?”
Luetsun answered, not much.”
Anna responded, “ well, Annakkuu wants to see you, personally.”
This perked Luetsun up and he said, “ did あなた say what I thought あなた said?”
Anna answered, “ yes, Annakkuu wants to see you.”
Luetsun asked, “ what for?”
Anna answered, “ he didn't clarify, now, go to him brother.”
With that, Luetsun went into the center of the cavern and began howling the prayer song of Annakkuu. As he howled, he felt his spirit leave his body. He then saw a birds eye view of the temple, and saw Anna and himself, a grey haired 狼, オオカミ with a patch of black hair on his head that was so long that it almost hid his eyes and dark around his eyes. He then noticed he was floating, gaining altitude. 次 thing he knew, he stood in front of a massive gate. The gate opened and he went through. What he saw was no different from the fields of his home, save for a large building overlooking a sea on the horizon. Then he noticed something fly out of the building and 次 thing he knew, he felt the ground quake and a presence behind him. He looked and saw a large, serpentine creature. It was whiter than snow, had huge, curving horns, tentacles protruding from its chin, tusks over its front claws and a large, fishlike fin running down its back. It said, “ Luetsun, son of Fonso II, あなた are about to get your 秒 taste of war.”
Luetsun responded, “ I realize it.”
The creature responded, “ あなた have a hint of fear, remember this, あなた have defeated two demons and survived a siege, あなた are able to handle a far northern war party. An army once did a siege, they had a standard for Annakkuu, every time the standard lowered, the army was losing, and as long as it stood, they were winning, あなた must be like that army and have faith. Oh, Luetsun, I am the great high drake”
Then, Luetsun blacked out and woke up in the temple. He stopped howling and Anna asked, “ what did he have to say?” Luetsun answered, “ he told a parable and 発言しました to have faith.”

Anna puzzled over what he 発言しました and he continued, “ I’ll be on a mission to flush out any spies
I encounter.”
Anna then said, “ may Annakkuu be with あなた brother” and he found Rufus and said, “ time for
another taste of war.”
Rufus responded, “ and what will we be doing?”
Luetsun answered, “ we’ll be stopping any Stonics attempts to contact Mexico and flushing out any spies we find along the way.”
They then met Fonso in the fields surrounding silvertip and he 発言しました to Rufus, “ ancestor, I’m counting on あなた to make sure that the mission is completed and my son comes back alive.”
He then turned to Luetsun and said, “ son, this mission could determine the fate of the Annakians, it is important that あなた come home, alive, with the mission complete. I will not be sending any soldiers to back あなた up, so, あなた must rely on your speed, and your wits.”
He then said, “ may Annakkuu be with you, both of you. Now off あなた go, there could be a detachment out there right now."
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